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Symbols are models and models determine a lot. Ministers involved in deliverance understand spiritual models a lot. Many people are following models that can land them in hell; meanwhile, they think they are doing the right thing. The lion and the eagle models are very wrong models to adopt but this is what a lot of ministries are training people to become. The Bible is very specific in Isa. 35:9 “No lion shall be there, nor any ravenous beast shall go up thereon, it shall not be found there; but the redeemed shall walk there”. The eagle is an abominable bird in the Bible (Lev. 11:13). A lot of “successful” people on earth might end up in hell because the Bible says, “no lion shall be there”. The Dove is finding it difficult to locate a resting place because there are too many lions; the Dove cannot rest upon a lion. The Dove is looking for the Lamb. The nature of the Lamb is meekness; the nature of the Dove is meekness – there must be spiritual compatibility. The closer you are to God, the more broken you become. Meekness is not synonymous with weakness. Meekness is an attribute of the Holy Spirit; there is so much strength in meekness. You don’t have to be a lion to walk in dominion. All you need is the presence of God. In the final analysis, all creature will worship the Lamb!

How best can the Banner be Lifted?

  1. Exo. 17:9-16 – Unity. There is need for cooperation in spiritual warfare. It took the cooperation of Moses, Aaron, Joshua and Hur in the battle against the Amalekites for God to bear the name “Jehovah Nissi” – The Lord, our Banner. In that battle, we can see real cooperation. While Joshua and the troops were busy fighting the Amalekites, Aaron and Hur were by the side of elderly Moses lifting his hands. As long as Moses’ hands were lifted, the Israelites were winning but as soon as his hands became weak and down, the tide of battle turned against them. Today, what we need most are hand lifters. No one people can do it alone. Nobody has the whole great commission; all we have is a part of it. That is why Holy Ghost Fellowship International is not another denomination; it is partnership with the Holy Spirit. No one group was able to do it alone. What obtains in the Church today is confusion. The world is asking questions, Christians are asking questions and what is more, God is asking questions. There is so much emphasis on carnality; the spirit of denomination is so strong that the banner of the Lord is hardly lifted. Why should people labour to feed strange fire? The only person who wins in a flesh and blood contest is the devil. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. 2 Cor. 10:3-5. People also ask the question “where are the elders at the gate? Anywhere you don’t have elders at the gate, things go awry. Once you have signed to become a Pastor, you have no right to do certain things any longer. Your level of consecration must be above board. It is a high calling and God is your number one Boss. You take orders from him. Pastor is not a title, Pastor is an office. You don’t need a political party to fulfil God’s mandate. You don’t need to live a compromised life to be able to lift the banner; as a matter of fact, once you compromise, you cannot lift the banner.
  2. Flying of the banner is for disciples, those who flee from every appearance of evil.Today, the world has the Church in derision not because we do not have a superior word but because the world has entered the Church. Pastors should form elders at the gate. Anywhere there is a vacuum; rulers of darkness will take over. If the banner is not lifted, there can be no restoration.
  3. We lift the banner when we allow the glorious light of our Lord Jesus Christ to shine through us into the world pitch dark with sin.
  4. We lift the banner when we manifest the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
  5. We lift the banner when we demonstrate the holiness, the righteousness and the wisdom of the Most High God.


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