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Another important thing to take note of in this scripture is that it was God who created the serpent. You need to understand this because most often than not, people pay more attention to the devil than he deserves. The crooked, ancient serpent, the devil, is a creature, he is not the creator, so there is absolutely nothing he has done that God cannot change. His power is inconsequential when compared with the power of the Almighty. So, if you are connected to the almighty, you can draw the power of God and work in dominion over the crooked serpent and all his works, and all his demons and all his rulers of darkness of this earth.

The earth will quake when the sons of God begin to manifest sonship and this can only happen through the manifestation of the power of God. But why is this not happening in spite of the fact that the power of God is limitless? The power of God can be blocked. It takes connection for the power to flow. Eph. 3:20 says, “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us”. As a child of God, his power needs to work through you. What blocks the flow of the power is compromise. May the Lord remove anything that blocks the flow of his power through you in the mighty name of Jesus.

Releasing the Thunder of His Power

How do I release the thunder of his power?

The first thing you need to know is that power flows through connection. A practical demonstration is this: during one of our Sunday services, an Usher brought an offering bag for me to drop my offering and I was led to lay hands on the offering bag and not the Usher herself. What separated us was the offering bag; while she was holding one portion of the wooden part of the bag, I was holding the other part and that was it. What happened? There was a transmission. How did it happen? That transmission was from above through me, through my hand. It bounced beyond the offering bag and hit the Usher. She failed under the anointing. The offering bag was just part of the connection. This is exactly how the power of God flows.

One of the things that limits the thunder of God’s power is improper connection. Many people don’t know how to connect and you cannot give what you don’t have. Whenever there is a proper connection, there will of necessity, be a flow. If there is an improper connection, there will be, what is called in Electrical Engineering, ‘short circuit’. Power can be short circuited with no flow. One of the greatest things that short circuits the power of God is sin. Unbelief will constitute a short circuit; unforgiveness is a great short circuit, lying can constitute a short circuit, every unrighteousness and every iniquity are short circuits. The Bible makes it clear in Psa. 66:18, “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me”. You need to be very careful. Whenever you notice that iniquity is indwelling your heart,  do something about it immediately because it is a source of blockade. Many people carry all manner of things into the presence of God and then want to release the thunder of his power. It cannot work. But when you are sure that your vertical connection with God is proper, then the power of God will flow through you. Remember that it is through the greatness of his power, not your own power that the enemy will submit.


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