In Israel, the act of plucking out one’s shoes is an indication that you are admitting that you cannot redeem your inheritance. In order to pluck out your shoes, you must bow so in essence, God was saying bow and worship me for you are serving a holy God. Pride of redemption is the commonest sin in the Church today. Many people behave as if without them God cannot exist. Anyone who is not serving a holy God is serving a wrong god. Holiness is not loving God and doing what pleases you. Holiness is loving God and going out of your way to be consistent with his instructions – doing what pleases him. That is the true meaning of holiness. Unfortunately, this is no longer being taught today.

It took God 40 years to take away Egypt from Moses. Moses had to learn to be a shepherd and not a hunter because he was going to shepherd God’s people, so God prepared him by allowing him to take care of flock of sheep, leading them and protecting them. If Moses could not take care of the sheep in the wilderness, how can he shepherd human beings? It is unfortunate that most leaders in the world today are hunters and not shepherds, in fact, most of them are dealers and not leaders. The spirit of Pharaoh is the leadership model that most of the world leaders practice today.

At the age of 80, God told Moses to go back to Egypt to liberate his people. Why? One encounter with God can change your destiny to the extent that you will confront the things that you were previously running away from. Moses, the servant of God, was now prepared and fully equipped for his destined mission. Even the rod in his had received impartation. When you are in the presence of God, everything around you will receive impartation. It is unfortunate that the children of God are toying with the presence of God. The people that go to Church are no longer going with the right motives. God spoke to me specifically that many people only come to his presence when they have issues. He went further to tell me that he will continue to allow them to have issues because once the issues are solved, they will elope from his presence. God said he is doing this from a heart of love because it is in his nature to bequeath that which is ultimately beneficial to his children. As parents, you don’t love your child if you don’t understand the TRUTH dimension of love. Unfortunately, a lot of parents have missed it. True love does not shirk from judging wrong actions. Sanctions are very important.

It is in the nature of God to judge and punish sin. If you don’t know God as the one who hates, judges and punishes sin, then your knowledge of God is very limited.

PRAY:- Dear Heavenly father I worship you. Today, I celebrate your holiness, righteousness and wisdom. I thank you for the wonderful salvation package you have for man. I appropriate the victory of the cross of Christ as my victory, and proclaim that henceforth, sin will never have dominion over me. Thank you so much for your love for me in Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.


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