God has made ample provision for us in his word. When Apostle Paul was writing to the Galatian saints, he said if you sow in the flesh, you will reap corruption, if you sow in the spirit, you would reap eternal life. Oh, I have a wonderful inheritance, yes, but I have to sow in spirit to get there. The lines are fallen for me in pleasant places; yes, I have a goodly heritage, yes, but I have to learn to sow in spirit to possess it. God gave the children of Israel a land that flows with milk and honey but they had to contend every inch of the way to get there. Only two out of the over six hundred thusand that left Egypt made it to the Promised Land because they had the right confession, they had the right perspective, they had the right mentality, they had the right connection. They knew that though the giants may be on their way to hinder, God would surely give them victory.

An inheritance does not drop into your hands. If your father realizes that you will mismanage the inheritance, he will give it to another. Child of God, you need to be very careful about your relationship with your Father. Stop behaving like a baby. Babies go for toys while sons go for inheritance. I have a wonderful inheritance. Yes, my Father is the inexhaustible source of every good thing but for me to get it; I have to become a son. And how do you know sons? Sons have the same DNA with their father. Whose DNA are you carrying?


The only way we can successfully break away from evil patterns is to be born into the household of God; become sons and daughters of the Most High God. You don’t have to be apologetic about your decision to follow Christ. Many Christians today want to sound right politically and be useless spiritually. We need to break away from this.

  1. Repentance. Give your life to Christ afresh.
  2. Renunciation. Renounce every claim of idolatry over your life. Break away from any evil pre-conversion pre-disposition. To think that one can get to the Promised Land with all the evil cords still tied and pulling one is a dangerous gamble. That is why you need to burn the bridge.

PRAY:- Heavenly father I thank you for your boundless love towards me. Grant me the grace to walk hand in hand with you by your spirit to be comprehensively successful here and hereafter in Jesus’ Name. Amen.


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