Reasons why you shall not be barren:-
Barrenness is not limited to lack of fruit of the womb alone, it goes beyond that. Barrenness cuts across every facet of life. God expects you to be fruitful. If you are not fruitful in any aspect of your life, then that aspect is barren. It may be business, financial, in the area of sickness – sickness is a product of the curse. A person who is not healthy is barren of good health.

The devil knows that spiritual power is focus that is why he keeps people busy here and there to ensure that they don’t concentrate. There is a close relationship between concentration and consecration. That is why I don’t believe that pastoral work should be done on a part time basis, you may start on a part time note but as you progress you need to drop other things. As you listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit; just as you want to have more of him, he wants to have more of you.

  1. Because there was no barrenness in the original blue print of God for man. If you take a look at Gen. 1:31, “Then God looked over all that he had made, and it was excellent in every way.” (TLB). If you look critically at your life and there is any distortion anywhere, don’t rationalize it because that is not God’s best for you. God wants that part of your life to be excellent. Pray –
    Lord, I thank you for your original blue print for my life, please search through every aspect of my life, if there be any aspect of my life that is not excellent, in every sense, Lord, straighten that part up. Make my life excellent in every sense and grant that every aspect of my life shall be excellent in every sense of that word in Jesus name. Amen.
  2. Because barrenness is one of the works of the devil which Jesus destroyed on the cross. 1 John 3:8b says, “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil.” The Greek word used here for destroy is ‘katargeo’ which means to bring to nothingness, to reduce to zero, to nullify, to render inoperable, to remove completely. The first part of that scripture says, “He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning.” The first thing Jesus destroyed on the cross was sin; the presence of sin, the power of sin and the penalty of sin that is why sin cannot have dominion over a child of God. Make this confession very forcefully – ‘sin cannot have dominion over me. The power of sin was destroyed on the cross, the presence of sin was destroyed on the cross, the penalty of sin was destroyed on the cross, that is why sin cannot have dominion over me. I have dominion over sin in Jesus name’. As you declare this, you are releasing the angels of God to move because it is in line with God’s purpose; that is why he sent his Son.


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