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One of the most dangerous games the devil is playing against the church is the game of seduction. What is seduction? Seduction is derailment so that you will disconnect from God. Seduction is “don’t pay attention to what God is doing, do your own”. Seduction is ‘Monkey come chop banana’. He throws one small appointment and the man of God will throw away the rod and come down the mountain and then go to the field.When God called me into  ministry, I was at the peak of my career. I had to settle a couple of things with God. I told God I was not going to go for money. I entered into a private practice and God began to prosper it. But one thing was very clear, I never for one day had the order turned upside down. Business was very secondary. People will tell you after all Paul was a tent maker. Paul never misunderstood that, he never came down from the mountain. Business was very secondary. He was a tent maker and wasn’t employed by anybody. If he wanted to go for business and God said, go to the Corinthians, he would drop the business and run to fulfill that. His number one business was God’s business. Make God your connection. Many pastors are dropping their call to go and become a vice something to one person or the other. There are people who are called to be that, Hur and Aaron should be the hand lifters and Moses of this time should stand and keep the rod of God on high, fighting the wild beast in the realm of the spirit. When you fight the battle for the flock in the realm of the spirit, they will harvest sweatless victories in the field. But it will be a harvest of sweatless victories for those who are connected. Joshua never disconnected, he was complete in obedience. He was addicted to instruction. If you break a connection, the flow will cease. The fan is rotating because it is connected, once the connection is removed, it will blow for sometime and stop. You can imagine what would have happened if Moses dropped the rod and went to the field. The moment you drop the rod and break the connection, you will become like the sheep, you will no longer be a Shepherd. God does not bless anything that is out of order. Again, if you vacate, you will create a vacuum. In the realm of the spirit, anywhere there is a vacuum, the kingdom of darkness will fill it. Where are the elders at the gate? The pastors abdicated their positions. Pastors should be elders at the gate. What are the roles of elders at the gate? They are to make sure that evil does not come in. They are the people that enforce righteousness in the realm where it matters. Your shepherd is the first person to fight the lion before it devours you. Pastor is not a title, it is an office. Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. May we never disconnect.


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