• O God, I hand over my battles to you, I hand over every challenge to you, I hand over the Goliath to you. The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters. Lord, by the power of your outstretched hand, I ask you to cut off my adversaries in the name of Jesus. Stretch forth your hand O God and level the mountains. Make my life beautiful in every sense in the name of Jesus.
  • O God, as I become complete in obedience, give me comprehensive success, and your blessings that make rich and do not add any sorrow. Grant that no sorrow shall be associated with me in the name of Jesus. I ask you to help me O God. Draw me into a closer relationship with you that I may know you in Jesus name.
  • May I never lose any battle again in the name of Jesus. Lord, you are the God of Israel, you know no defeat, I declare no more defeat in the day and in the night, in my dream, in my residence, in my office, no defeat will be associated with me, no failure, no fear, no oppression, no recession, no regression, no stagnation, no delay, no discouragement, no disease, no death in the name of Jesus.
  • Lord, grant me the grace for comprehensive dominion through the finished work of Christ on the cross at Calvary in Jesus name.
  • Be prompt to forgive. In my experience in praying with people with challenges, I have come to realize that this is a very delicate area that the devil loves to capitalize on. Unforgiveness is very common even in the Church. So many people are holding all manner of resentment, malice, strife, bitterness towards others. I was invited to minister in a Church program organized by the women of the Church and as I was ministering, I was led to make a call for those who are holding others in unforgiveness. To my surprise, almost everyone in the Church responded. While I was about to pray for them, the Holy Spirit told me that some of the people were actually holding their husbands in unforgiveness. I made the call and I was shocked at the number of people that raised their hands. If you are holding your husband in unforgiveness, why then are you looking for an external enemy? This is ignorance. Do you know that the moment you hold someone in unforgiveness, your prayers will no longer fly? Psa. 66:18, “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me”. Prayer and fasting while holding anyone in unforgiveness is nothing but an exercise in futility. Even if you sow generously or give for the work of the ministry, your prayer will still not fly. You cannot bribe God! The most serious aspect of it is that when you are holding anyone in unforgiveness, you are actually holding yourself down. A popular saying in my town says that anyone that is holding another to the ground is also on the ground. An unforgiving heart is a closed heart.

Medical science has proven that a lot of psychosomatic sicknesses are caused by unforgiveness or bitterness. Demons love to operate in filthy places; an unforgiving heart cannot be clean, a heart that is full of bitterness cannot be clean. Heb. 12:15 says, “Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.” Unforgiveness leads to bitterness and bitterness brings defilement. This is the reason why those sicknesses do not have any medical solution. Another adage in my town says anyone who brings ant infested firewood to his home has extended invitation to lizards. The disciples of Jesus asked him how many times they should forgive in a day and he said, seventy times seven! For whom are you building a case? Women are very guilty of this. Do you know that unforgiveness will debar many from flying when the rapture takes place?


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