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Heaven is meant for worshippers, that is why you need to get it right with worship here. What do you really worship? What do you treasure? What is your object of devotion? What are you chasing? These are the questions you need to ask yourself. Who do you love above all else? Peter had been with Jesus for three and half years. He had seen all manner of miracles. He was with him in the mount of transfiguration, he saw Jesus in a dimension that some apostles were not privileged to have witnessed. He heard the voice of God proclaim in Mark 9:7; “This is my beloved son; hear him.” Yet when the chips were down he denied Jesus not once, not twice but three times. May you not take your relationship with Christ for granted. Nobody ever stumbles into heaven by chance. May you never forget this. Don’t ever try to reduce God to your size. God is bigger than anyone can fathom.

Speaking through the prophet Hosea, God states, “O Israel, I will cause you to forget your idols, and their names will not be spoken anymore. “At that time I will make a treaty between you and the wild animals, birds, and snakes, not to fear each other anymore; and I will destroy all weapons, and all wars will end. Then you will lie down in peace and safety, unafraid; and I will bind you to me forever with chains of righteousness and justice and love and mercy.  I will betroth you to me in faithfulness and love, and you will really know me then as you never have before.”(Hosea 2:17-20). It takes revelation to truly know the living God. Anything you place side by side God in your heart has become your idol. God hates and punishes idolatry. If you want to see God manifest in your life, throw away your idols. God cannot share his glory with anything or anyone. Make God the sole object of your devotion. Seek Him with all your heart, love Him with all your soul.

Pray –


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