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Covenant of Sweatless victorIes

The God we serve is awesome. He is the almighty. He is a glorious God, mighty God in battle. He is the commander of the armies of heaven. There is nothing impossible for him to do. Has he said it? It is as good as done. He literally spoke the world into existence. Meditate on how his wisdom created all things. Eph 1:11 says “In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will”.


We need to keep reminding ourselves over and over again that this is our year of fresh oil. May you never forget this because it is what you celebrate that gets magnified. Whatever you magnify is what you magnetize. God is about to do wonderful things in your life this year. Once you have the oil, you can smile. It is the fresh oil that no one can gainsay. It is the oil of gladness, greatness, fruitfulness, sweatless victories, and comprehensive dominion especially over darkness, lack, sin, self, satan and his agents of darkness, dominion over principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this world. All these we shall celebrate this year in the mighty name of Jesus. It is also the oil of divine elevation.

I have been anointed with fresh oil and as such, my horn shall definitely be exalted like the horn of the unicorn. Divine elevation is sure; no power can stop it. When others are saying that there is a casting down, the Lord will be lifting us and because it is the Lord that is doing the lifting, not even the sky will be your limit.



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