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The cross is the meeting place between divinity and humanity. The cross was the place of perfect submission of the will of man to the will of God; the meeting place between the will of man and the will of God. Whenever the will of God crosses with your will, ensure that you submit. That is how to be a disciple. Jesus submitted his will to the will of the Father. He said if you want to be my disciple take up your cross and follow me (Luke 9:23). People don’t want to do this, they feel that there is a new revelation.

You cannot digitalize the cross of Christ. Don’t add anything to the cross. If you do, you will produce an occultic cross. The only right cross is the rugged cross. The devil has been trying to pervert it by bringing a lot of other crosses. Why does man fail to admit that the will of God is superior to every other will? Why do we make something simple to be complex? This can be traced to the perverted will of man in Adam. The unified intelligence that man acquired in the garden when he submitted his will to the will of the snake is the greatest problem of man. Instead of using what God meant for the good of man to worship the living God and fall in love with him, man started using it against God. The greatest thing God gave to man is the right to choose. Remove the will from man and he will become a robot, a zombie. An understanding of this will enable us worship God better and be able to say no to the perversion that is out there. We need to appreciate this so that we can place more value on what God has done for us so that we don’t  start looking for what was never lost.


Every bloodless Christianity is a powerless Christianity. Motivational messages are not meant for the Church. The farther you move away from the cross, the farther you move away from the home. As you move away from the cross, you move away from heaven. Heaven was never meant to be far away, man made it so.  Ensure that you visit the cross on a daily basis. As you move away from the cross, you become weaker and weaker. The message of the cross is now a seasonal thing in most Churches, little wonder why there is so much evil in the society.


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