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The Bible says many are the wonderful things the Lord has done, they are more than can be numbered (Psa. 40:5). They are immeasurable and boundless. It has to be so for it to be from the almighty with whom there is no variableness neither is there any shadow of turning. God is the inexhaustible source of all good and perfect gifts. He is our Father, the Father of light. There is no problem or challenge facing you that is difficult for him to fix. If you believe this you will have a more settled countenance and assurance that he loves you enough to bequeath to you that which is ultimately beneficial.

Appreciate God for his boundless love. Appreciate him for who he is. Celebrate him. It is a wonderful privilege that you were born in due season. A lot of people struggle with the fact that God is our Father; they believe that God cannot beget neither can he be begotten. But we have that privilege. Think of a life without relationship with the almighty, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient one. Think of how empty, rough, dry and impossible life can be without God. That is why you see the kind of wickedness that is in the heart of people of other religions. Their wrong conclusion about reality produces wickedness in their hearts. If you don’t know God who is love himself, how can you experience it or give it? If you are not connected to the love of God how can you love your fellow man? For them, there is nothing like love. If you remove love from the equation what do you have? Dog eat dog.



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