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One of the greatest problems of man is misplacement of value. What you value is what you prioritize, that is what you pursue. Let us value our connection with God. I can tell you authoritatively that the greatest success factor is the God factor. Without it, nobody can truly be successful. A lot of people are succeeding to fail. Any wine of success that will lead you away from God is failure at last. May you not drink it in the name of Jesus.

God will move in our lives and restructure everything that needs to be restructured so that people around us will know that it pays to serve the living God in the name of Jesus. He has not called us to serve him in vain. Anyone who walks closely with God eventually comes to an inevitable conclusion – “God is faithful”.

How can you fathom a very deep God superficially? This is why a lot of people go to Church with nothing to show for it. In Africa, we all have the badge of idolatry that has not been actually confronted. As an African, if you do a thorough search of your family line, you will discover that there is still someone somewhere who is still servicing idolatry. You don’t need to go far before seeing it. God hates idolatry. The consequences of idolatry are very severe.

One of the things that surprises me is that even when you have made up your mind to confront idolatry, you will notice that it is such an aggressive thing that somehow finds a way of coming through the back door. It could be through marriage. To re-enact the covenant of idolatry which may be over a million years old, it is as easy as raising up your hand. That is one of the reasons why we must never believe that we have prayed enough. The standard of the Bible is, pray without ceasing and having done all, stand.

It is not good to be a superficial Christian, a fireless Christian in a highly demonized world. The world is sick and desperately in need of deliverance. The prayer of deliverance is not a gentle prayer, it is the prayer of importunity, a prayer of desperation like that in Psa. 70:1, “Make haste, O God, to deliver me; make haste to help me; make haste to help me, O LORD”. The Psalm concludes with, “O LORD, make no tarrying”. It is not just a prayer you pray with your mouth, your heart should be screaming it even louder.

As the world continues to degenerate, may you continue to consolidate in the word of God. Don’t allow anyone who has derailed to be your leader. Don’t allow anyone re-write the word of God for you to follow. God has given you everything you need to have successful accomplishments. Don’t allow anyone confuse you. Let no one preach another gospel to you.



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