Christianity is both right believing and right living. If your Christianity is not producing right living, then something is terribly wrong. Knowledge that you cannot apply cannot give you wisdom. Knowledge cannot be power until it can be fully utilized in its refined state of applied wisdom. The world is waiting for worshippers; those who worship God in spirit and truth. The world is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. As many as are led by the Holy Spirit, they are the sons of God and you can be one of them (Rom 8:14).

Pray –

  • Father, I celebrate you. I appreciate your heart that gave me the greatest miracle; the miracle of salvation.

We do not celebrate 25th of December as the birthday of Christ because Jesus was never born on that day. That is another perversion. We do not celebrate the day we celebrate the fact.

  • Father, I thank you so much for the great miracle of salvation. I celebrate you, I thank you for your love. I thank you for your wisdom. I bless and magnify your name. Thank you for giving me a second chance. Thank you for the salvation of my soul. Thank you for sending your Son to die for me. I celebrate your goodness, love, kindness, faithfulness, power, wisdom, divinity, omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscient nature. I give you all the glory in Jesus’ name.
  • Lord, help me to treasure and consolidate my relationship with you. Help me to grow and fall in love over and over again with you. Grant me the grace to walk with you. Help me, O God, never to disconnect from following you. Grant me the grace to walk hand in hand with you so that your purpose may be fulfilled in every facet of my life.
  • Make it impossible for me to fall. Make it impossible for me to falter. Make it impossible for me to be deceived. Grant me the grace to place value on things that have eternal value. Help me, O God, to be a child that brings glory and honour to your name.
  • When you look down upon me, may your face always beam with smile; smile of satisfaction, smile of endorsement in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • I ask that you make me a disciplined follower of Jesus Christ, your Son, all the days of my life.
  • May I never miss you. May I never miss your mark. I celebrate you Jesus. I say thank you so much. I love you and appreciate you. Thank you Jesus for showing the way. I receive you and celebrate your essence, substance, and divinity. I celebrate your victory; victory in heaven, victory on the cross, victory in the grave.
  • You have done all things well. Thank you for being the champion of my life. I magnify your name. You are the alpha and omega. You are my portion, my redeemer, my saviour, my king, my Lord, my rock, my shield, and my deliverer. You are the truth and the life. Blessed be your name.


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