The Life-giving Spirit

    After God created man, He breathed into him and man became a living soul. That breath is the Holy Spirit. Death is nothing but separation; once the breath that makes man a living soul departs, he will be declared dead. The Greek word for spirit is the same as breathe – ‘pneuma’. That is why the study of the Holy Spirit in theology is called Pneumatology. Once the spirit departs, what is left is death and then speedy deterioration. The absence of the Holy Spirit means death because He is the spirit of life; He ‘quickens’ which means to give life, to energize. This why the Holy Spirit is the…


    Covenant prayers

    Every promise in the word of God is a covenant and our God is a covenant-keeping God Confess the following scriptures: Heb. 2:9, 14-15, John 10:10, II Tim. 1:9-10, Job 5:17-27, Psa. 91:16, Exo. 23:26, Psa. 118:17 PRAYER POINTS: Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for the many provisions you have made for my well-being here on earth and hereafter, in Jesus Name. I empty myself of every sin I have ever committed through the words of my mouth, evil thoughts, wrong actions or inaction. I repent of them all and ask for your mercy in Jesus Name. I apply the precious blood of Jesus Christ upon my body, soul…



    Experiencing God is the greatest feeling that will keep you on course. Not just His faithfulness but experiencing Him in full. PRAY God I want to experience you, reveal yourself to me, manifest your Power, manifest your Glory, I am ready Lord, please show me your Glory. The greatest relationship is with God and once you realize that, everything you do will revolve around God (Theo-centric life) PRAY Heavenly Father, I want to be serious with you. Draw me closer to You. Do not allow the worries of this world pull me away from you. God is a business God and He keeps to appointment. Your miracle and assignment is…


    Friday Dominion Service(5/10/2017)

      “ There is serious contention over the soul of Nigeria. There seems to be more of darkness than light. We Christians are the salt of the earth and the light of God must shine through us. We must become so tuned to the frequency of God that when we open our mouth, there will be light and wherever we appear, darkness disappears. The Glory of God should radiate through us pushing away darkness. Part of Gods end-time plan is that the children of light will confront those of darkness and prevail. Darkness has no chance of surviving the power of light. Christians do not understand who they really are…