Text: Acts 16:25-26 “And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone’s bands were loosed”.

The proportion of energy that is unleashed when you get into the dimension of praise is of earthquake magnitude. Notice that there was a great earthquake that shook the foundation of the prison where Paul and Silas were after they sang praises. So much spiritual energy was released that there was a shaking of earthquake magnitude and their fetters were broken. Also, the prison doors were swung open. Whatsoever the enemy thought he has concluded in the spirit realm against you shall be shattered in the name of Jesus.

Praise is the highest form of prayer and one of the easiest ways of releasing the supernatural. We will get more results when we engage in praise, particularly prophetic praise. Until you start, you don’t unleash. Praise elevates, when you praise your faith rises.

The reason why praise is so powerful may be found in Psa 22:3 “but thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel”. God inhabits, He dwells in the praises of His people. When you begin to praise, God comes down with consuming fire of His presence. That is why all manner of healings take place whenever He visits; He visits in the fullness of His power and glory. Just imagine the innumerable blessings of His presence, that is what He brings to bear anywhere there is praise. If you are suffering defeat in your dreams, unleash the power of praise. When you magnify your problem, it becomes intimidating; what you magnify is what you magnetize. What you celebrate is what you attract. Learn to celebrate God. Make His praise glorious, sing forth his praise, through the greatness of His power, every opposition melts. When you get into praise, God will arise automatically.

In 2 Chro. 20, a stubborn problem appeared, the children of Moab, Ammon and others came together to fight against Israel. King Jehoshaphat was afraid; he sought the face of God and God gave him a strategy. Confront those that are confederate against you; the amalgamated forces aligned against you with the power of praise and you will see them dissolve and disappear. When the Moabites, Ammonites and children of mount Seir teamed up against Israel, they were discomfited after the children of Israel started to praise God. It is in your obedience to divine instruction that true faith is expressed. God honours those who put confidence in Him. Nobody can fix it better than God. The greatest success factor in life is the God factor. No power can confront the King of the universe. The enemies of Israel were completely routed and discomfited. That is exactly what God will do to our enemies; they will be comprehensively defeated.

If you want God to fight for you, learn to magnify Him. Psa. 35:27 “let them shout for joy and be glad that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the LORD be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant”. God has pleasure in your prosperity. An encounter with God will change everything for good.

The beautiful thing about praise is that it is refreshing; an atmosphere of praise is an atmosphere of the flow of the river of life and anywhere that river flows, things happen because whatever it touches is made whole. The river of life terminates death, if you want to drive away dryness forever, unleash the power of praise and thanksgiving. Make it your lifestyle; a lifestyle that magnifies God above any other thing. The most effective weapon of spiritual warfare is the one you have made a lifestyle not the one you engage in occasionally. Let your life flow in ceaseless praise and thanksgiving.

Praise consolidates your faith in the Almightiness of God. When you magnify the Almightiness of God, you are changing your perception of Him to the right perception. There is an inward out transformation that connects to what you are saying with your mouth. So your faith in God becomes so concretized that there is no iota of doubt. You will become so saturated with God that the idea of His failing you does not even remotely exist.

Praise intensifies the fire of His presence. I have seen incredible miracles happen when the weapon of praise is unleashed. The atmosphere of praise is the atmosphere of miracles. What is a miracle? A miracle is a wonderful sensible event, above but not contradictory to nature, which is done by divine intervention. Anywhere God manifests, miracles must happen.

To be CONT.

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