Be watchful. Don’t abandon your home for a snake to take over. Your presence is of utmost importance, your watchful eye is required. Spiritual fervency is important, it is not about money. Don’t chase money and leave your home in the hands of house helps. You should be very careful about the decisions you make. Decisions determine everything. Every decision has a price.

A word I respect so much is decision. What determines your wealth? Decisions! What determines destination? Decisions! What determines destiny? Decisions! What determines health? Decisions! Some people poison themselves daily yet they wish to live long. The Bible says, my people perish for lack of knowledge.

Pray –

  • Lord, I ask you to guide me in all my decisions; grant me the wisdom to take the right decisions that will move my life forward. May I not play into the hands of the enemy. Thank you, mighty God.
  • I forbid anything that is capable of cutting my journey on earth short and making me miserable in Jesus name.

Christ has redeemed us from lack. Gal. 3:13-14, “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.” Gal. 3:29, “And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” We are heirs of the promise of Abraham. Abraham was rich in all things; material blessings are part of the blessing of Abraham.

The curse of the law is in Deut. 28:15-17, 38-40. Essentially, the curse of the law centers around poverty, scarcity, lack, disease, death, everything that is evil, famine, hardship, waste, labour with nothing to show for it. Indescribable hardship. All the blessings of Abraham are predicated on obedience (decision to obey the word of God at all times, whether it is convenient for you or not). If you examine the blessings enumerated in Deut. 28:1-14, you will discover limitless blessings predicated on complete obedience. May God help us to be prompt and complete in obedience. As soon as God says it, jump at it. God says it, act! Your miracle will come on the wings of obedience; obedience to the promptings and leading of the Holy Ghost; obedience to the perfect will of God. The perfect will of God is best for you.


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