

This is our year of fresh oil. God does not just give us messages, no, he gives us his message – his word for a season and for a reason and those who capitalize on it will download all the blessings. I was so excited when I received that 2022 was going to be our year of fresh oil; I started rejoicing immediately. I stand to testify that the fresh oil has been producing impact, tangible impact in the lives of members of this ministry. Doors are swinging open nationally and internationally. It is an uncommon oil. 

God wants his children to operate in a realm where time and space no longer exists. That is the realm of the fresh oil. Oil connotes the anointing of the Holy Spirit. It connotes the limitless power of God; with whom nothing shall be impossible. Anointing changes levels. Your level will change. Psa. 92:10 says, “But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil”. I enjoin you to memorize the entire Psalm. 

When you have the oil, you lack nothing. You will become irresistible. Anointing will give you unmerited favor. This is the year of fruits; no more wasted effort. When God’s hand is upon your life, nobody can stop you. If you are connected to God, you are connected to the oil. This is the year of fresh oil; it is not the year of struggling. May the Lord remove every stress, struggle and strain and give you a refreshing so that you will taste and see that he is good. This is your season.


  • Lord, I stretch for your oil, let it overflow in my life – oil of impact, oil of flourishing, oil of blessings of the Lord, oil of prosperity, oil of progress, oil of sweatless victories in Jesus’ name.

The greatest height anyone can attain is the one that is ordained by God. When God says great, no power can pull you down. The greatest success factor is the God factor; I realized that early enough in life when I looked for my father at the age of nine and he was gone. That was when I started looking for my heavenly Father and I stand to testify that he is very faithful. 

There is nothing that silences the voice of contention like testimonies. Rev. 12:11, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death”.


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