Every liar is carrying the evil seal of limitation and those who follow them end up in a wrong place. This is because every seal determines where people will end up. Lying is one of the seven seals of Lucifer. May no trace of it be found in you in the mighty name of Jesus. Every evil seal leads to hell. The devil is the father of liars and everyone will end up in the home of their father (John 8:44). Every liar is a candidate of hell. You must not trivialize it (Rev. 21:8). Every liar is a loser ultimately.

Pray –

  • Father, deliver members of this ministry who are still struggling with lies in the name of Jesus. Deliver members of my family from lying in the name of Jesus.
  • I come against you spirit of lying. I plead the blood of Jesus against you, I bind you and cast you into the abyss. I destroy your works, I terminate your operations. I overcome you by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of my testimony.
  • Lord, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, make me full of the blessings of your presence. Make me addicted to your presence. Let the fullness of the blessings of your presence manifest in my life in the mighty name of Jesus.
  • Grace to be addicted to your presence, grace to flourish in your presence, I ask that you bestow upon me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  • Father, withdraw anything that I had ever spoken that has put me in trouble or blocked my heavens in the name of Jesus.
  • Any evil pronouncement that has ever proceeded from my mouth and has put me in trouble, Lord, in the name of Jesus, let it dissolve and disappear.
  • Help me to keep my mouth sealed when I should do so. Help me not keep silent when I ought to speak up. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart always be spot on and acceptable in thy sight in the mighty name of Jesus.
  • Lord, answer me when I call and be not far from me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  • Let me see your kindness and let me see your glory revealed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Let your glory burst forth in my life. Keep me as the apple of your eye and guide me every inch of the way to my allotted in heritance.
  • Through the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I press into the blessings of the Lord that make rich and do not add any sorrow.
  • I command full and total restoration of all my delayed blessings and virtues. Everything that I should possess that the enemy has delayed, I press into it through the power of the blood of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus.
  • I break into the enemy territory and take back everything the enemy has stolen from me in the name of Jesus.


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