So there is now no condemnation awaiting those who belong to Christ Jesus. For the power of the life-giving Spirit -and this power is mine through Christ Jesus – has freed me from the vicious circle of sin and death”.- Rom 8:1-2 (TLB)

What does it mean to be in a vicious cycle? – It is a very bad situation in which all effort to improve on it,or get out of it makes it even worse. Many workers are in the vicious cycle of borrowing money against their salaries and as soon as the salary is received, and the debt paid, they will start borrowing again and the vicious cycle continues. Whoever is caught in this vicious cycle is trapped in debt. Underemployment is a vicious cycle.

We need God more than we realize it.  The greatest success factor in life is the God factor. If you want comprehensive success, make God your focus. The greatest blessings you can ever receive in life, are blessings that come from relationships.  When Jesus was about to confront the spirit of death at the grave of Lazarus, He groaned then lifted up his eyes and thanked God for answering Him. He did not pray, he groaned and His Father answered.  There is no Father who will hear his child groan and will not attend to the child. Does God know your voice? Jesus said my sheep hear my voice and obey. Your mentor is not just someone who instructs you, your mentor is someone whose instructions you have decided to follow. There is a strategy that makes the battle easy, the Coach has it. God has a joker for you. The instructions you follow will determine the result you get. The greatest strategist you can ever have is God and He has delegated His Holy Spirit to reside in you; He becomes your teacher, coach, mentor and instructor. It is your obedience that will bring you out of that vicious cycle.

The most terrible vicious cycle is that of sin and death; the divine agenda for dealing with the vicious cycle of sin and death is Jesus Christ. He is the joker. Rom. 8:3-8, Gal. 3:13-15. A curse is one of the ways people enter a vicious cycle. A curse is an evil pronouncement, an evil programme and when an evil is programmed against people, the person will be moving around in a circle toiling with nothing to show for it.

One of the ways of getting into a vicious cycle is through the curse of the law. Deut. 28:15-58. The pronouncements in these scriptures can be classified into three major groups:  (1) Sickness and disease (2) Death (3) Poverty, scarcity and lack (suffering). It consists of all manner of terrible things that will happen to those who break the law that is why it is a vicious cycle. That is what Jesus came to rescue us from by shedding His precious blood to atone for our sins. Therefore, there is comprehensive redemption from sickness, disease, death, poverty, scarcity and lack.

Some typical operations of Vicious Cycles in People’s lives: –

  1. Labour without benefit – this is very common today. There is a spirit that wants to make people worthless, especially men. When a man’s pocket is weak, he does not feel man enough. People toil and toil with nothing to show for it. One of the attributes of the blood of Jesus is the anointing for total liberation. Vicious cycle pushes people into a dry pit. when a man falls into it, he will labour and labour, eating the bread of anxious labour. Poverty is a sign of a vicious cycle and the bad thing about this vicious cycle of poverty is that if you don’t break it, you will hand it over to your children.
  2. Death – Jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly. Abundant life is our portion.
  3. Sickness and Disease – study your family line; if you notice that there is an hereditary sickness running in your family, you must pray yourself out of it. You are not a partaker.
  4. proneness to Accident – if you are in a family where people are prone to accident, it is a vicious cycle.
  5. Sudden loss of prosperity
  6. Unproductive relationships
  7. Seeing and not entering – this is called the spirit of Pisgah. Moses, after all his travails, only saw the Promised Land, he never entered.
  8. Serial disappointments – this is a sign that there is a vicious cycle
  9. Delay – especially inexplicable delay. Everything in life has a time factor attached to it. Doing anything in life is like sowing a seed, if not done at the right season, it will not produce a harvest.
  10. Barrenness – a barren situation makes you work with nothing to show for it. One of ways to overcome this is to bring Jesus into your boat. When Peter surrendered his boat to Jesus after toiling and toiling, he got results immediately he complied with Jesus’ instruction. The secret of overflow is in divine instruction.
  11. Miscarriage – every miscarriage is a thief that comes to steal your fruit. When this thief invades a womb, it steals the fruit. Miscarriage is a reducing agent and it is not limited to pregnancy. Anything can be miscarried – justice, blessings etc.
  12. Untimely death – read Rom 8:31-39.


  • I plug into the anointing of overwhelming victory; I decree that overwhelming victory awaits me in every area of my life in the name of Jesus. Every aspect of my life, begin to experience overwhelming victory right now – overwhelming victory as I step out and as I come in, in the name of Jesus.
  • Heavenly Father, I thank You for the provisions you have made for my total liberation from the vicious cycle of sin and death. I proclaim that there is now no condemnation for me because I am in Christ Jesus. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death in the name of Jesus. I declare my total liberation from the vicious cycle of labour without benefit, poverty, sickness and disease, accident, sudden loss of prosperity, unproductive relationships, seeing and not entering, disappointment, delay, barrenness, miscarriage and untimely death in the name of Jesus.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ, I bind you spirits responsible for each and every one of the operation of any vicious cycle in my life in the name of Jesus. I destroy your works and terminate your operation. I command you right now, lose your hold over my life, over my family, over my body, soul and spirit, lose your hold over my business, finances and ministry in the name of Jesus.
  • I enter by faith, through the finished work of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ at Calvary into the fullness of the blessings of redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ. I am blessed in the city, I am blessed in the field, I am blessed with many children, I am blessed with ample crops, I am blessed with live flocks, I am blessed going out and coming in, in the name of Jesus. The Lord shall fight for me and I shall hold my peace. I proclaim overwhelming victory in any area the enemy has ever fought against the purpose of God in my life. I declare overwhelming victory right now in the name of Jesus.
  • I am free from every vicious cycle. Because the Son of God has set me free, I am free indeed. Amen.


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