Pray –

  • Lord, stretch forth your hand and do signs and wonders in my life. Let there be healings, miracles and let your glory be revealed in the name of Jesus.

This was the prayer that the apostles prayed when there was a challenge from Herod. God answered their prayer, gave them boldness, they went out and turned the city upside down. The power of God will be with you, the hand of God will propel you from where you are to where you are supposed to be and dissolve every doubt in your life. The power of God will drive away every fear in the mighty name of Jesus. The hand of God will produce proofs (signs and wonders, miracles), and your life shall be full of evidence of the presence of the almighty. The glory of God shall be revealed the name of the Lord shall be magnified.

  • Father, let your mighty hand rest upon my life forever to produces signs and wonders in the mighty name of Jesus.
  • Father, stretch forth your hand and produce signs and wonders in my life in the mighty name of Jesus.
  • Heal every wound and make me a healing agent in the name of Jesus. Let there be signs and wonders and let them be done in the name of your holy child, Jesus Christ.
  • Let signs and wonders be manifest in every facet of my life because of my connection to Jesus in the name of Jesus.
  • I lift up my hands unto you and I declare your glory, I celebrate your faithfulness. I declare that you are worthy to receive all my praise. Thank you blessed Lord.
  • Father, beautify my life, let all eyes come and see that my God is good and that I am serving the God of signs and wonders in the name of Jesus.
  • Oh God who makes great things happen, multiply signs and wonders in my life, in my family and in Holy Ghost Fellowship International in the name of Jesus.
  • Thank you faithful God. I give you all the glory. Through you, I declare, I shall do valiantly. My life shall be fruitful and your name shall be magnified in Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen!

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