Keys for Fruitfulness

5. Be planted in the house of God cont’d.
Are you really planted in God’s house? This goes beyond any denomination, it is a kingdom business. Where are you in the scheme of things in God’s kingdom? Psa. 92:12-14 makes it clear that those who are planted in the house of God shall bear fruit even in old age, they will be fat and flourishing to show that the Lord is righteous. There is no diminishing returns for those who are planted in the house of God, he wants us to be fat and flourishing. Jesus went to the cross so that we might have life and have it more abundantly. If things are not working the way they should in your life, draw the blood line. Get angry in the realm of the spirit, raise the blood of Jesus and declare what God has done for you. When you are in such a predicament, the first thing to do is to look inwards. Ask yourself, where am I? Has my spiritual location shifted? Have I in any way become an enemy of my own self? Am I in the congregation of the unrighteous? Am I properly aligned? God desires truth in the inward man, he will reward your sincerity of purpose and the integrity of your heart.

6. The key of Acceptable worship.
God is seeking for true worshippers according to John 4:24, “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth”. Become a worshipper not necessarily a worker. Today, we have more workers in the Church than worshippers and this is because some Church leaders tend to make people workers before they become worshippers. It is very difficult to become a worshipper if you are first of all a worker. This is because worship is not what you do, it is who you are. If you are a worshipper, everything you do in God’s kingdom will be worship.

7. The key of right association.
Break away from every wrong association. Anyone who will not take you up will definitely take you down. You must therefore be very selective in your association. If you want to flourish and keep on bearing fruit in life even in old age, you must burn the bridge. Psa. 1:1-6. God does not endorse sinners in the congregation of the righteous except if they really want to become part of the righteous. The crime is not coming as a sinner, the crime is going back home the way you came. The crime is never in falling, it is in failing to rise. Anything that is connected to the devil or that the devil is involved in cannot end well. This fact is no longer being emphasized in the Church and that is why a lot of Christians rationalize evil. Every satanic handshake leads to destruction. The basis for any relationship is trust; you cannot trust someone who tells you lies. Don’t expect anything good from an evil altar. If you want to be a friend of God, if you want to keep bearing fruit even in old age, you must break away from every appearance of evil. Break away from every wrong association, don’t negotiate it. Burn the bridge. You cannot be in the congregation of the ungodly and expect God to bless you. If you tabernacle with sinners, you will become a ‘sinnite’. Why tag along with someone who is going the wrong way? If heaven is your direction, why follow someone who is capable of taking you down?

Just as there is digital footprint, there is also spiritual footprint. There might be no one around when you commit the sin, but it will be registered in the annals of spiritual record. Heaven will be a wonderful place. Everyone will give account of his or her stewardship, one on one. How would you feel when the things you did in the secret that you thought that no one knew about is played back to you? Always remember that there is a spiritual footprint.

Pray –

  • Lord, I thank you, I worship and adore you. On the day of reckoning, grant that I will not regret. Grant that I will be part of those who will be on the right and not on the left, one of those whom you will welcome in Jesus name. Amen!

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