

Anyone who walks closely with God comes to an inevitable conclusion – God is faithful. His faithfulness is unparalled. Celebrate his faithfulness.

What you don’t recognize, you cannot connect properly to and what you don’t connect properly to cannot give you a flow. If there is no flow, there will not be deposit. Wherever there is a perfect flow, there will be deposits. People are running from anther to pillar seeking for where it is happening, in their quest, they get entangled with strange fire and create more problems for themselves. It is not just about the fire but the purity of it. It is not just about the anointing but the quality of the anointing that guarantees you comprehensive success.

I have been in ministry for about three decades but saw the wonders of God in another dimension last month. We had twenty-six days of unbroken streak of miracles. It is real. I advise you to connect properly so that it will work for you.

You might have been married for decades without knowing the reasons why God established marriage and that is why a lot of marriages are under stress. “According to the American Psychological Association, approximately 40-50% of first marriages end in divorce. The divorce rate for second marriages is even higher, with approximately 60-67% of second marriages ending in divorce.” (Petrelli Previtera, LLC, 2023),second%20marriages%20ending%20in%20divorce.

Make this declaration – I am a candidate for comprehensive success. I will never succeed to fail in the name of Jesus. A lot of people succeed to fail because their success is parochial and without foundation. You will succeed to succeed in Jesus’ name. God has a programme for you and it is his desire that you don’t fail in anything at all. From today, you will not fail in any of your endeavours in the name of Jesus.

You are a candidate for comprehensive success – succeeding here and hereafter, succeeding in your marriage, succeeding in business, in your relationship with man and with God.


  • I am a candidate for comprehensive success. Through God, I will succeed. I will have comprehensive success in Jesus’ name.


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