Don’t live as if this earth is your parking lot. The greatest tragedy is to be earthbound. The rapture of the true Church of God can happen any moment. It is unfortunate that many Churches are not preparing their members for this event. The Bible says that it will happen within the twinkling of the eye. The rapture is a selective event. As at today, this ministry is impacting 188 nations through one platform. How many nations are left? Meanwhile there are other ministries who have several platforms through which they are reaching out to many nations.

One of the greatest lies that the devil sells to people is that the rapture will not happen. Men live as if they will not die, this is the greatest lie they tell themselves. When we gave our lives to Christ in the early seventies, the message was very direct, it wasn’t a message about what to eat, what to wear or what to have.

The main alert is to remain vigilant when the trumpet will sound and not just credit alert to our bank accounts. Only those who are tuned to the frequency of heaven will hear the sound of the trumpet. Spiritual things are very slippery.

The rapture will take place within the twinkling of an eye and only those who are set apart and tuned to the frequency of heaven will make it. It is going to be a selective encounter. The question is, if it happens right now, will you fly? When we gave our lives to Christ, the question we were often asked was: “where will you spend eternity?” This is a question we must ask ourselves on daily basis. Don’t live as if it will not happen.

There is a programme which is running. The devil knows that his time is short and is busy getting more and more people earthbound chasing shadows and suddenly the trumpet will sound. It is only those who hear the sound of the trumpet that will fly. Others will be busy chasing money. May that not happen to you in Jesus’ name.

Every passing moment takes us closer and closer to eternity. 2023 is gone forever, we are now in 2024 and the clock is already ticking.

We praised God into the New Year, this is prophetic. This year, your life will flow in ceaseless praise of the living God. Those who live in an atmosphere of praise will always live in an atmosphere of fullness of joy because God inhabits praise. He indwells praise according to Psa. 22:3. It is only in his presence that you find fullness of joy (Psa. 16:11). The easiest way to be in the presence of God is to fill your life with praise. That is how to be above only.


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