Children of God should not fear death. Believers indeed should not fear death because God has given us dominion over death. The leviathan head of death was completely destroyed on the cross. The blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth flowing into your life will overcome for you in the name of Jesus Christ. God can use you to even raise the dead. Death has been demystified on the cross. Jesus died so that we may live and he has given us greater power to do greater works (John 14:12). Jesus raised Lazarus who was already in the grave for four days. Death is not an ordinary thing, it is a personality. It is a spirit.

If the resurrection power (the same power that terminates death, and does not spare sickness in any form) is working inside of you, you need to understand that the greater one is inside of you. On the cross, Jesus undid everything the devil did in the Garden of Eden. Believers don’t die, they sleep because death has been swallowed up in victory.

  • Jesus, I celebrate you. You are indeed the source of abundant life. Thank you Jesus. You are the way and you are the life. I celebrate you. Help me to continue to connect with you and consolidate my belief in you.
  • I press into knowing you more. Grant me grace to walk with you and help me never to drop what I have in you to pursue shadows in the name of Jesus.
  • Lord, please I want your word in John 14:12 to be fulfilled in my life. Take me through the school of the Holy Spirit that will make me operate in the highest and make me a worthy ambassador of Jesus Christ.
  • Wherever it is needful that Jesus should manifest, Lord, when I appear, let there be solution. Let your resurrection power flow. Let your glory be revealed. May I never disappoint you.
  • Help me to clean up and grant me grace to manifest sonship. Help me to manifest comprehensive dominion over sin, self, satan and all his works, agents, wiles, schemes, machinations, manipulations, principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this world. Help me Lord, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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