3. Money CONT’D
One of the lies that the devil tells people is that the more money they have, the more joyful they become. In the equation of joy, there is no money. Money can give you a good house but not a home. There are a lot of things that money cannot fix. It is good to have money, no doubt. Poverty is never a virtue, and should not be promoted.

Recently, the Lord told me that the Church would have been richer if she were raising worshippers and not ‘idolaters’. Idolatry is anything you place side by side God in your heart, anything you chase above God has become your idol. How many hours do you spend doing the things of God daily? It is so easy to raise idolaters even in the big cathedrals. It is all about placement of value. We need to change the message. Something has gone seriously wrong with many messages in the Church today. People go to Church today and instead of coming back with the seal of the Holy Spirit, they come back with the seven seals of Lucifer one of which is idolatry. In the midst of all these, primitive idolatry is being consolidated all over African nations. Where is the Church? Show me the spiritual barometer of a nation and I will show you the spiritual barometer of the Church. The healing of the land must start from the Church. The healing of the Church must start from the family. The healing of the family must start from the man (a man who is sold out to God). A man who has learnt to tabernacle, a man who has leant to dwell in the secret place. Man who is a God chaser. Man who is so fanatically in love with God that the idea of substituting that love for anything else does not even remotely exist. Are you that man?

If you leave God and chase money, you will create holes that money cannot fill. You don’t teach a worshipper to give. While a worshipper gives out of love for God, the idolater gives in order to get. 1 Cor. 13:13 says, the greatest is love. The greatest love is the love of God (Agape). You cannot have agape if you are not God-centric. When you teach people faith without making them worshippers, you produce idolaters. That is the problem of the Church today. Babylon has invaded and captured the sacredness of ‘Jerusalem’.

God cannot bless anything that is out of sync with his purposive will. How can you pursue what the world is pursuing and end up in a different place? Jesus gave a parable in Luke 18 that men ought always to pray and not faint. Jesus asked in verse 8 of the same chapter,

When I, the Messiah, return, how many will I find who have faith and are praying?”. 
Luke 18:8, TLB

We need to return to raising worshippers. For the rest of my life I want to raise worshippers. It is so easy to pursue money and think that you are still serving God. It is very easy to use God to make money which is what modern day idolatry is. Nobody can reward kingdom service like God. I realized this early in ministry and I stand to testify that it pays to serve God. You can operate in a realm where all your needs are met, a realm where money is no longer an issue. It is easy to get into idolatry and start using God to make money. God hates idolatry because it is one of the gates of hell. The greatest problem in most African countries today is idolatry. What promotes it is the love of money; greed for money. The more you have, the more you will want to have.

  • Ask God to deliver you from any form of idolatry.
  • Pray for grace to be a true worshipper of the living God.


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