The greatest success factor is the God factor and the greatest alliance anyone can have is the Holy Ghost alliance. Holy Ghost Fellowship is not another denomination or another Church; it is a life of partnership with the precious Holy Spirit. There is only one fellowship in heaven and that is fellowship with the Holy Spirit. It is only those who are led by the Holy Spirit that will even smell heaven.

If you are not connected to the Holy Spirit, there is no how you can make it to the heaven of heavens. As many as are led by the Holy Spirit, they are the sons of God (Rom. 8:14). If you are not led by the Holy Spirit it means that you are led by another spirit. May that spirit leave you today in the name of Jesus.

Everyone will end up in the home of their father. Who is your Father? The Holy Spirit leads us God-ward. The Holy Spirit leads us to be God chasers. The Holy Spirit guides us through the skillfulness of God’s hand to our allotted inheritance in heaven. There are two final resting places – heaven and hell. Those who are not led by the Holy Spirit cannot venture into heaven.

Every passing moment takes us closer and closer to eternity. Where will you spend eternity? The greatest tragedy is to face eternity without Christ. Ironically, the people who celebrate Christmas the most are those that don’t understand what Christ came to do. Celebrating Christmas without Christ is celebrating crisis, it is celebrating tragedy. It is celebrating superfluity of naughtiness. It is celebrating eternity in hell.

Do you want to celebrate Jesus the right way? Do you want to give your life to Christ so that the Holy Spirit can indwell you? Do you want your name to be written in the book of life? Do you want to start having fellowship with the precious Holy Spirit all the days of your life so that he can guide you second by second and lead you and transform your life so that you may enter your allotted inheritance in heaven? Do you want to surrender your body, soul, spirit, mind, will, emotion, and initiative to Jesus Christ so that you will be one of those who will fly when the trumpet shall sound? The greatest miracle is the miracle of salvation.

Would you like to say, I want to have abundant life in Christ. I don’t want to play games with eternity. I don’t want to leave anything to chance. I want to rendezvous with Jesus in glory, where he is that is where I want to spend the rest of my life. He has gone to prepare a place for me, I want to be prepared for that place. I want to make it right with my creator. Do not negotiate with eternity. Are you still struggling with some terrible sinful habits?

Pray –
  • Heavenly Father, I acknowledge that I am a sinner. Please forgive me. Cleanse me. Wash me with the precious blood of your Son, Jesus Christ.
  • Jesus, thank you. Come into my life. Be my personal saviour. Be my Lord. Be my redeemer.
  • Father, I ask that you write my name in the book of life. Help me to live for Jesus Christ all the days of my life.
  • Jesus, I confess you as my Lord and my personal Saviour. I confess that you died for me, on the third day, you rose from the dead.
  • I ask you to help me to overcome sin. Wash away every sin I have ever committed and give me the grace to walk hand in hand with  you all the days of my life so that I will be all you want me to be and accomplish all you want me to accomplish. Thank you Jesus. I believe I am saved. I believe I am redeemed. I believe I am born again. Amen!


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