• Genesis 22 vs. 17 – God blesses us to possess the gates of our enemies, that is part of the things that God brought us here to do. We are here to take possession of the gates of our enemies instead of the enemies possessing the gates. How do you possess the gates of your enemies? You need to bind the gate man, take away that gate man, and establish your presence. This is what the church should be doing because that is what we are called to, and we will not fail God in Jesus name.

God has given us kingdom keys to deal with gates, Matthew 16 vs. 19. To deal with any gate, there are kingdom keys that you put to use whether they are gates of financial breakthrough, gates of gainful employment, gates of good health etc. Written judgments are executed at the gates according to     Psalm 127 vs. 5 to make sure that the right things come in and the wrong things are kept at bay. May God raise us up to do this for ourselves, our families and for the kingdom of God in Jesus name. This is what lifting the banner of the Lord is all about. It is our responsibility to fly His banner all over the nations, to ensure that Jesus is honoured at home, abroad, in everything we do and His glory revealed in us and through us. We do this by winning souls and establishing them in God’s kingdom. God is interested in this (your fruit bearing). One of the things we need to improve upon is our soul winning.

Isaiah 43 vs.19 – God specializes in making ways where there have been blockades. We are going to stand on this and say Lord I thank you for your word in Isaiah 43 vs. 19, look into my life lord, is there any way that I have been blocked?


  • Lord you know the powers that have blocked me, I ask you to send your angels to dislodge them Lord send your ministering angels to dislodge all the powers that have blocked me from accessing the blessings that you have released. In the name of Jesus I overthrow all the wicked powers that are standing at the gate of my blessings, miracles, breakthrough, joy, and next level. Lord every padlock activity, every blockade activity, send the thunder of your power. Lord graciously send forth your lightning and scatter, shoot forth your arrows and destroy every power blocking me from accessing my blessings. Overturn and overthrow every physical, spiritual blockade in the name of Jesus. Stretch forth your hands and cut them off, make ways for me in the wilderness where there seems to be no way in the name of Jesus.
  • Eternal rock of ages, most Holy God I ask you to turn my wilderness into gates of blessings, water my spiritual dryness in the name of Jesus. I declare that from today, I will possess the gates of my enemies in the mighty name of Jesus. Heavenly father, I ask you to go before me, to open every gate of blessing that the devil has shut against me in the name of Jesus. Father go before me and open every gate of blessing that the devil has shut against every member of my family in the name of Jesus. Father go before us as a fellowship and open every gate of blessing that the devil has shut against us. I prophesy that the gates of blessings shall never be shut against us anymore in the name of Jesus. Father I ask you to open doors of opportunities, gainful employments for us. Oh God, roll away every blockade and open doors of opportunities, doors of blessings, doors of promotions, doors of favour, doors of divine elevation in the name of Jesus Christ.


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