TEXT: John 10:10

Every promise in the word is a covenant and we are serving a covenant keeping God. God has never failed and He will never fail us in the name of Jesus. The Lord told me that those who want to be ten times better should go for it. Another one is those who feel that they have arrived can never be ten times better. They will be over taken. When you feel you have arrived. You will park. Those who park will attract dust. The greatest thing you need to fight this year is spiritual dust. Anywhere that there is spiritual dust, the dust eater will come. The dust eater is the snake, the old serpent. LUST constitutes spiritual dust. Make a list of ten things both physical and spiritual that you want to see yourself ten times better than you were last year. Look out for areas in your life you need to improve, things you need to drop, things that give the enemy access into your life so you can be ten times better. Most importantly, determine to fight defilement whether in the day, at night or in the dream. God gave me an instruction which I carried out, before the end of the night vigil, the answer came. If you set out to do the right thing, God will give you the grace to accomplish it. That grace is the empowerment to do what ordinarily you would not have been able to do on your own. So let us learn to set high spiritual goals that God will now enable us to do and our lives will be better. The true meaning of abundant life is not in the accumulation, not in  acquisition, it is fulfilling the purpose of  God  for your life. The God we are serving needs our best. If you make up your mind to give God the best of your life, talent,  resources, He will ensure that you will have the best to give at all times. And soon, you will become the best. That is the secret of ten times better. Daniel purposed in his heart that he was not going to be defiled. King’s food is supposed to be the best food in the land, Daniel said that the food was not good for him because it was served to other gods. The gods that have not made the heaven and the earth, “I am not to frolick with them”. As a matter of fact, they should perish from under the earth. God took note  and said “even if you drink water it will nourish you”. At the end of the day, he became ten times better. We need this supernatural empowerment to stand out.

Lord, we cannot overlook your manifold blessings you have given us last year. In many ways you have helped us, we are grateful. You are our sufficiency, you are more than enough for us. Thank you for your grace and glory, thank you for your light you are shining in our lives, in our hearts. Thank you for the lifting, blessings , for the blessings of open heavens. We give you all the glory, all the adoration. Thank you for all the thing’s you did for us, those we know and those we don’t know. We say many are the wonderful things you have done for us, they are more than can be numbered. Accept our praise. We receive your word that this year is a year of double ten times better. AMEN!

Get ready to stretch and the Lord will keep you pleasantly satisfied. Don’t park!

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