2019 OPERATION 18-18 (DAY 22) – PRAYER I

This year, there shall be harvest of answered prayers and the answers will be measurable. Prayer is faith expressed so if your faith is weak, you will pray weak prayers. If there is any element of doubt in your prayer, it will be wishy-washy. This is one of the reasons why people pray and nothing happens. I will give you some words of God that will strengthen your faith so that you don’t just get into the motion of prayer based on nothing. Prayer is not supposed to be an escape; it is supposed to be a purposeful spiritual venture that will produce measurable, tangible results.


  • Lift up your prayer request for the year and say;
    • Lord, I present these requests before you, each and every one of them, you are the Alpha, you are the Omega. I have come to you because I know that you are the One that can say yes and no man can say no, when you say no, no one can say yes, you are the Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient One. There is nothing you cannot do;
    • You spoke the world into existence, you said, ‘Let there be light and there was light’, I have come Lord, you are my final arbiter, there is no other place to go, there is no other place to look but in your direction; so, I have come to present these before you and I ask you O God, to brood over and take over
    • Grant that every request here will be prayer answered. I thank you because I know you are able to do exceeding abundantly above my request, above my needs and above my requirements. Lord, I present myself before you and I ask you to help me in the name of Jesus;
    • Holy Spirit, brood over these prayer points and convert them to answered prayers, each and every one of them, in Jesus name.

Every of your prayer request will become prayer answered in Jesus name. Some of the things that the enemy thought for evil will be turned around for you in the name of Jesus. This year, you will have multiple streams of income.

A blind man came to Jesus and Jesus asked – what do you want me to do for you? Jesus knew what that man needed so what was he trying to do? Jesus did not want to violate the man’s will. Your will is involved in your miracle because God does not violate people’s will. He wants you to cooperate with him; he wants you to freely yield your will to his will so that that beautiful purpose he has for you will be established. We need to come to the point where we freely yield our will to the will of the Almighty which is best for us because he has the general design; his blueprint for our destiny is the best for us. When we make the wrong choices, his hands are short, that is what iniquity is. Iniquity is turning away from light, turning away from the revealed will of God and according to Isa. 59:1-2, he said, my hands are not feeble but your iniquity has separated me from you.

The Hebrew word for iniquity is ‘awvonne’ which simply means, to turn away from light. It is so easy to commit; everyday in the exercise of our will, we express our will contrary to the purposive will of God which is best for us. Jesus showed us how to be a good son; Jesus yielded his will at all times to the will of the Father. When it was very difficult for him, he prayed that powerful prayer, he said, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me, nevertheless not my will but your will be done. And immediately an angel was sent to strengthen him. That is the meaning of grace. Grace was given for him to do the will of the Father. May God grant us the grace to do his will in Jesus name. AMEN.


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