• I decree that enough is enough to the throne of iniquity in this nation. Time up! I declare in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the termination of the reign of iniquity over this nation. For righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach. I rise against every purpose of agents of hell masquerading as light in the corridors of power. I come against them in the name that is above every other name. I use the power in the name of Jesus to bind their evil spirits and command utter desolation upon their thrones in the name of Jesus.
  • I decree that the scepter of unrighteousness is broken over this nation. The scepter of deception and mismanagement is broken, the scepter of misrule is broken in the mighty name of Jesus. I decree the destruction of the scepter of the children of kedar, they will never rule over us.
  • Let the thunder of God’s power visit them and their occultic centres and judge them forever and cut them off. Let the mighty hand of the Lord be stretched forth against the adversaries of the Church in this nation.
  • Father, let the heavens open and drop down righteousness, let there be rain of righteousness, let there be transformation in the name of Jesus. Let there be restoration of the plundered years and the plundered blessings in the name of Jesus.
  • Lord I thank you, I give you the glory and dedicate the trophies to you in the mighty name of Jesus.
  • From today, things are going to get better, twenty thousand times better in every area of my life and in my family.  Things are going to get better and better in the name of Jesus because I am serving the God of better things.
  • I am serving the God that loves us so much who has come that we may have abundant life. I declare abundant life. Abundant life is my portion in this land of the living. I will never lack any of the good things that follow them that serve God.
  • The Lord shall bless me and all the ends of the earth shall fear him. My family shall flourish like the palm tree and we shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. We will yet bear fruit in old age in the name of Jesus.
  • The Lord shall increase our greatness and comfort us on every side.
  • Father, I thank you. Through the greatness of your power, every opposition must collapse in the name of Jesus. Thank you blessed Lord.
  • Dethroned powers will never rule over us, we rule over them in Jesus name. Amen!

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