• Lord, please forgive me for all the lies I have ever told. Please forgive me in the name of Jesus. I ask you to grant me the grace never to tell lies again for the rest of my life help to be led by the spirit of truth in the name of Jesus.
  • Make it impossible for me to be deceived, make it impossible for me to deceive, make it impossible for me to live a compromised life.
  • Help me to be established on the rock, the truth, the way, the life in the name of Jesus. Thank you blessed Lord. I depend on you. I look up to you from whom all blessings flow. Let your name be magnified.
  • I come against any power that has been unleashed to derail the purpose of God in my life, in the life of any member of your family. I raise the blood of Jesus against every plan of the devil to seduce, to tempt, to deceive, to destroy the purpose of God in my life. Let the strong sword of the Lord dismantle, destroy and slay the dragon in the name of Jesus.
  • Lord, help me and every member of my family to return to the word of God. I ask that you create the hunger for your word in our hearts. Let our children crave and desire the word and the things of God more than their gadgets and things of this world.
  • Lord, put in the heart of every member of Holy Ghost Fellowship International, the desire to know you more, the desire to live for you, the desire to be led by the promptings and leadings of the Holy Spirit, the desire to be in tune to the word of God, the desire to feast on the word and have dominion over the dragon and over all his works, over all his wiles, over his agents in the name of Jesus. Grant us grace to fulfil this desire by complying to the dictates of your word, by prioritizing, placing value on our walk with you.
  • Make every member of our families addicted to your presence in the name of Jesus. Let the manifold and multifaceted blessings of your presence be manifest in every areas of our life in the name of Jesus.

Always go beyond whatever you see to the spirit. The easiest way to be deceived in the world today is to rely on main stream media; most of them have become agents, sold to the dragon. Anyone who will succeed in the real sense of the word in the present times must be someone who is strong in the Lord and in the power of his might and is fulfilling Ephesians 3:13 – putting on the whole armour of the Lord. A lot of people do not even know that there is a raging war going on in the world today. The battle is all about control – who controls the universe. It is not quite new but it has accentuated and taken a new dimension.


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