John 4:23 says, “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” Adam was not a worshipper; he took God’s love for granted. Before you can disobey an instruction, you would have demeaned and devalued the instructor. It was basically not negligence as such but it was a heart issue; the heart of ingratitude. Watch it when people begin to manifest ingratitude; it is one of the commonest manifestations today, even in the Church.

The Bible says in the end time, men would be lovers of themselves more than lovers of God; extreme devotion to self, idolatry of self. That is another definition of pride. Anything prideful cannot please God because pride is idolatry. God hates it, he judges and punishes it. It is a vertical sin, an affront, a de-valuation of God. What do you have that you were not given, if given why act as if you are the giver. You are only a custodian, a caretaker. Know your boundary and stop there, if you go beyond it, you have transgressed. May God help us never to transgress. May we get it right in the gardens of our hearts in the name of Jesus.

Ingratitude is the mother of all sins. One of the greatest neutralizers of ingratitude is a thankful heart. Show me a thankful heart and I will show you a heart that values God. Every tragedy in life can be traced to an instruction disobeyed. What the devil desired with all his heart to be was what God decided to make man to be without any input from man. Everything Adam had was bequeathed to him. He woke up one morning and saw a woman, he immediately conducted a naming ceremony, no worship, no gratitude.

It is difficult to be a good worker without first being a worshipper. For a worshipper, every work is viewed as worship, it is a privilege to serve. Worship is not what you do, worship is who you are. It is deeper than the slow paced songs which we sing on Sunday mornings. The heart of worship is the heart of love. God is love. The object of our worship must be God; extreme devotion to God.

First man failed woefully because he was not a worshipper. When confronted by God, he accused his wife. Adam displayed ingratitude and that is the origin of buck passing. The devil wanted to be like God, but God said, let us make man after our image and likeness. This is the reason why the devil hates man – jealousy, envy, resentment, bitterness. Man did not place value on what he was given so it was easy for him to belittle God. Man did not place value on the giver.

Pray –

  • Dear Heavenly Father I worship and adore you in Jesus’ name. In any way that I have ever manifested ingratitude towards your love for me, I ask you to mercifully forgive me. Grant me grace to place more value on my relationship with you in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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