in the name of Jesus Christ


We are going to confront seven mountains: we have received the anointing to move them and they will move.

1. Mount Horeb.
Exo. 3:1, “Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even Horeb.” At this mountain, Moses received his commission. At this mountain, the children of Israel got impatient after waiting for Moses for some time and took to idolatry. It was to this mountain, also, that Elijah fled when Jezebel was after his life. Horeb can be said to be a mountain of victories and defeats, a mountain of ups and downs.

  • This year because of the fresh oil, every mountain of defeat will be surmounted regardless of where the battle is fought, no more defeat.
  • From today the mountains of defeat shall be taken away from off your shoulder, the yoke of defeat shall be shattered and be utterly destroyed because of the fresh oil that God has poured upon us. No more defeat in the name of Jesus. None of us shall suffer any defeat this year, together, we shall experience victory after victories in the mighty name of Jesus.
  • We shall operate in the highest, we shall not vacillate between highs and lows in the powerful name of Jesus, it shall be steady ascent from glory to glory because that is the pattern of God.
  • We are more than conquerors’; we have an anointing that makes battles cheap regardless of where the battle is fought. We have the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, wherever we release that name, there is an oil poured forth according to SOS 1:3. That oil moves mountains and releases the conqueror’s anointing upon us.
  • No more defeat in the name of Jesus. Every mountain of defeat, dissolve and disappear, be made low, perish from under this heaven and this earth in the name of Jesus.
  • You mountain of poverty, scarcity, lack, disease, infirmity, affliction and intimidation, I say to you, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, dissolve and disappear. I have no doubt in our hearts that you have dissolved and disappeared and never to appear again in Jesus’ name. No more defeat in any area of my life in the mighty name of Jesus. I have victory in Jesus’ name.


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