Origin of sickness

Study the divine prescription immediately after the fall of man. The first messianic prophecy is found in Gen. 3:15, “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel”. This prophecy was fulfilled on the cross. God had to become man. We need to understand that the truth side of God, who is love, hates and judges sin. Sin is evil. The truth side of God must judge sin. God is love. The paths of God are mercy and truth; it was on the cross of Christ that mercy and truth kissed each other. Jesus Christ is the righteous requirement of God for our atonement, and reconciliation. 

The cross of our Lord Jesus Christ is the meeting point between divinity and humanity. The cross of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the place where the human will crossed with the will of God. When the will of God crosses with your will, learn to submit. The cross is the greatest display of submission and the greatest symbol of worship. Jesus so loved us that he gave his life for us. The cross is the greatest display and symbol of love. “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me” (Gal. 2:20). Jesus so loved, he gave his life. The Father so loved, he gave his Son. Every giving must proceed from the heart of love; any giving that does not flow out of love is fake. 

This is very important because today, people are taught how to give without first being taught how to fall in love desperately with God. So, what happens? When you give with the wrong motive, you will become an idolater. If you are taught to give before you are taught to love God (to be a worshipper), if your giving is not worshipful, your relationship with God becomes transactional. Christianity is not a religion of rules, or dos and don’ts; Christianity is relationship. True Christianity is a loving God’s attempt to find fallen man. Idolatry is fallen man’s attempt to find a loving God. If you are not well taught, your relationship with God becomes transactional, you are giving in order to get. I don’t know of anyone in the Bible who bought his healing from Jesus Christ either through planting a seed or giving.

The richest people on earth are not necessarily Christians. There are principles that if you put in place, whether you are a child of God or not, they will work for you. One of such principle is the principle of seed, time and harvest. You don’t need to be a Christian for you to plant a small yam and then harvest a bigger yam. We must never reduce our walk with God to what it is not meant to be. If we do, we will produce people without character. This is the greatest problem – the Church has deviated from the cross. The cross is the heart of the matter, if you remove the cross from Christianity, there is nothing left. A crossless Christianity is worthless, empty, and vain. 

Pray –

  • Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for giving your son to die for me. I celebrate your love, kindness, and faithfulness. Grant me the grace to fall in love over and over again with you, and never to substitute that love for anything else in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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