2. Dagon represents a national evil altar (CONT’D).

Pray –

  • The gods that have not made these heavens even they shall perish from under these heavens and earth in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  • Let God arise, overturn and overthrow any marine spirit working against the purpose of God for our destinies, let them go into perpetual captivity in the name of Jesus.
  • We bind you marine demons, cast you into the abyss. We destroy your works, terminate your operation and raise the blood of Jesus as a perpetual injunction against you. We declare total dominion over you in Jesus’ name.
  • All our blessings kidnapped and sent into the water, we call you into manifestation right now, appear right now in the mighty name of Jesus. We call you from the east, west, north and south, from the waters wherever you are right now. All our wealth and blessings, kidnapped and sent into the waters, we command you in the name of Jesus, be restored, fully restored in Jesus’ name.

The devil is interested in nations because he wants to control the affairs of the world. That has always been his desire. As such, he targets the seat of power and ensures that he puts his own people there in order to control world events. That is why we must be very careful of the kind of people we vote into power.

3. It represents abomination.
It is actually called the abomination of the Philistines. It is only an abominable person that will worship what the Bible calls abomination. Some of the people who worship some of these gods actually call them abomination in some parts of Africa yet they still go ahead and worship them. It is an abomination to worship a man made god. Today, there are a lot of abominable gods that people worship. It is an abomination to connect to anyone who is an agent of an abominable god. Some of these people are very bold, they are highly demonic. Wherever you find such abominations, you cannot find the blessings of God because God cannot bless anything that is abominable. No handshake with abomination can produce any good. That is why the Church must be very careful. The Church should be an agent of change. You should not compromise the standards of the word of God. It pays to be a radical. Jesus was a radical. As a Christian, you should be radical.

Pray –

  • The abominable will not be in charge of my destiny; the abominable will never rule over me and will never call the shots in my life in the name of Jesus.
  • I renounce everything God calls abominable. I renounce every form of abomination. I break away from every form of abomination in the name of Jesus.
  • I use the power of the blood of Jesus to separate myself from the abominable in the mighty name of Jesus.
  • Anything that is coming from any abominable quarter against the purpose of God for my destiny, be exterminated in the name of Jesus. I command you perish from under these heavens and earth in the name of Jesus.
  • Any evil water flowing into my direction, dry up from the source in the name of Jesus. Any swamp creature rising against the purpose of God in my life, be consumed by fire, burn to ashes in Jesus’ name.

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