A right decision can transform you, it can make you a candidate of heaven. It can make heaven smile at you and can make you get caught up in heavenly worship every night instead of having demonic dreams. That is the true meaning of Holy Ghost Fellowship – fellowship with the precious Holy Spirit. The first word in Holy Ghost is holy. God says “be ye holy for I am holy” (1 Pet. 1:16). Nothing unholy will make it beyond the second heavens. Sin has weight. Sin is dense and anything that is dense sinks in line with the law of gravity. It is easier to go down than to move up. The Lord wants you to hear this message and subsequently to take the right action.

Pray –

  • Lord, please x-ray me. I do not claim that I have not sinned because I am not a liar. I recognize my short comings. I recognize my frailties. I recognize my faults. I recognize my mistakes. I recognize my errors. I recognize my sins. Have mercy on me according to your loving kindness, according unto the multitude of your tender mercies, please blot out all my transgressions and wash me thoroughly from every sin.
  • Cleanse me and purge me. Make me holy. Make me pure. Make me acceptable to you. Have mercy on me O God.
  • Mention any sin or habit you are still struggling with and ask God to help you.

You cannot hide any sin from God and that is why we must always come before him naked. What is it that you are hiding? Why not let the light shine on it and you will feel lifted and light. The light of God will expel darkness and all the things that are hidden will be exposed and expelled. If they are not exposed, they cannot be expelled. If you don’t deal with issues from the root you cannot get it right. There is serious deficiency in the Church today. How many Christians can you do business with today without being cheated? Anyone without truth in the inner man cannot truly repent in the place of prayer. That person’s prayer cannot fly, he will only play Church and end up blaming everybody for their woes except themselves. If you don’t have truth you cannot even evaluate yourself. You will never admit that you are in the wrong. It is every other person that is missing it. It takes truth to look inward and say “Lord, I missed it”. Adam blamed God for the wife God gave him. That is exactly how many people are looking for whom to blame for their errors of wrong choices, wrong decisions, misjudgments and putting the wrong foot forward, aligning with the snake and disobeying the leading of the Holy Spirit and the word of God. Every tragedy can be traced to that.


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