• In our lives, let there be showers of blessings. We shall not borrow. We shall not mourn in the name of Jesus.
  • We come in the powerful name of Jesus against you spirit of kidnapping, you spirit of wasters and emptiers, we plead the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth against you. We overcome you by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony.
  • In the name of Jesus, we raise the blood of Jesus against any evil power unleashed to create panic, terror and discomfort against your people in the name of Jesus.
  • Father, stretch forth your hand and do what only you can do. Send forth your lightning and scatter them. Shoot forth your arrows and destroy them in the name of Jesus.
  • Revoke and reverse every evil decision taken against us in the spirit realm. Let there be peace.
  • Jesus, you are the Prince of peace. We enthrone you over our lives, and over this nation. Reign in my life, reign in my family, reign in my business, reign in Holy Ghost Fellowship, reign in your Church, reign in this nation in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Let there be open heavens that will pour down righteousness all over this nation. Let the heavens over my family open, let there be powerful reign of the glory and grace of God. Let the light of your glory shine forth; let every darkness dissolve and disappear in the mighty name of Jesus.
  • Grant that before the end of this year, all our prayer requests will be answered. Lord, answer us by fire; make haste to help us, make haste to answer us. Make haste to deliver us that our joy may be full in the mighty name of Jesus.
  • O God, show up, manifest the greatness of your glory and power in every facet of our lives in the name of Jesus that your name alone may be magnified.
  • Keep our world in perfect peace. Grant that we shall not run helter skelter. None shall be feeble amongst us. None shall be sick in the name of Jesus.
  • We shall not take any wrong decision. We shall be at the right place at the right time. Guide us in every decision we make in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Help us to walk hand in hand with you so that your purpose may be fulfilled in our lives. Thank you ancient of days. It is through the greatness of your power that every opposition must submit.


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