• It is your responsibility to use the rod.
  • Speak the word! The word is the rod.
  • Learn to speak to your situation. Don’t speak doubt, don’t speak discouragement.
  • Say to the mountain right now! Your confession goes before your possession. You will have what you confess. (Mark 11:23-24)


  • Every mountain of blockade, every mountain of satanic embargo, I say to you now, in the name of Jesus, dissolve and disappear in the name of Jesus. Thank you mighty God, in Jesus name.
  • Father, stretch forth your hand and do what only you can do in my life. O God of signs and wonders, stretch forth your hand and do what only you can do in my family.
  • Crown this year for us with your goodness and cause our paths to drop abundance in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Let the thunder of your power undo everything the enemy has ever done against me. Thank you most holy God. Through you I shall do valiantly. I depend on you and I ask that you crown this year for me with your goodness. Cause my path to drop your abundance in the name of Jesus. Thank you blessed Lord. I ask that you take over my battles in Jesus name.
  • Now, command the red sea to divide. Command every blockade to dissolve and disappear. I stretch forth the rod against you blockade. Anything blocking my blessings, anything blocking my miracles, anything blocking the glory of God from shinning in my life, anything resisting the glory of God in my life, I command you in the name above every other name, dissolve and disappear in the mighty name of Jesus. I command every blockade, be rolled away. Every embargo, be lifted in the name of Jesus.
  • Let the name of the Lord be magnified. From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, the name of the Lord alone shall be praised in every facet of my life in the name of Jesus.
  • God has spoken in his holiness, I will rejoice in the name of Jesus. Thank you blessed Lord.
  • Stretch forth the rod against all your evil pursuers – Let the rod of the Lord be stretched forth against my evil pursuers and let them be consumed. Every evil pursuer that has been pursuing me, today is your nemesis in the name of Jesus, be swallowed up. Be completely exterminated in the name of Jesus.
  • All my evil pursuers shall perish; none of them shall escape in the mighty name of Jesus.
  • In spite of the red sea, I shall enter my promised land in the mighty name of Jesus. I will take possession of my possession in the name of Jesus.
  • I declare the total extermination of the evil forces that have ever fought against the purpose of God in my life.
  • The mightiest of my adversaries are conquered; not one shall lift a finger against me, in Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen!

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