God expects every believer to be an enforcer of righteousness. God expects you to hate his enemies with perfect hatred. The definition of perfect hatred is – I can hate the spirit that is in you but I can still love you. God hates sin but he still loves the sinner.

How can one be free from the rod of the wicked?

  1. You must be born again. There are no two ways about it. The starting point if you want to be free from the rod of the wicked is to give your life to Jesus Christ. You must invite Jesus to be your Lord and personal Saviour and your righteousness.

2. Pursue purity. Holiness is not optional. It is mandatory. True holiness is loving God and going out of your way to do what pleases him. It includes loving God and loving what he loves and hating what he hates.

3. Flee from every appearance of evil. 1 Thes 5:22

4. Be addicted to God’s word. Make the word of God your constitution. If you don’t, you will frolic with sinners and before long, you will become a ‘sinnite’. You will tolerate what God condemns. If you don’t adopt the word of God as your constitution, the world will give you its own constitution. The moment you become a liberal, you are no longer under the leading of the Holy Spirit. The Bible says, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” Rom. 8:14. Do not align with or follow a leader with an evil anointing. It is only in Christianity that you find correct answers to three existential questions of man: –

  • Origin
  • Morality
  • Destiny

When Mohammed was about to die, he told his followers that he does not know where he was going. In contrast, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” John 14:6. A Moslem professor who knew what Mohammed said about not knowing his destination read the Bible and saw this scripture, he decided that he cannot continue to follow a leader who did not know where he was going. He got converted.

  • Set your affection on the things above. Col 3:22
  • Break away from wrong association.
  • Be filled and led by the Holy Spirit. Eph 5:18
  • Use the authority of the believer. God has given us authority. He called us to be people who trample upon serpents and scorpions (Luke 10:19). He didn’t call us to be people who walk on red carpet. Use the authority of the believer. You can have authority but if fail to enforce it, it is useless.

You have the keys. Make use of them. The essence of knowledge is for correct application. Knowledge cannot be power unless it can fully be utilized in its refined state of applied wisdom. Jesus Christ is the wisdom and power of God. Are you born again? Filled with the Holy Spirit? You should manifest Jesus; not only in your life, in your home, in your environment, in your work place and anywhere you operate. Part of that is making sure that wickedness does not operate in your domain.


Everlasting and most merciful Father, I worship and adore you. I thank you for the generous provisions you have made for me through your son Jesus Christ – my righteousness. Grant me the grace to be an enforcer of the authority of the beliver in my environment in Jesus name. Amen.


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