There is no connection on earth that can rival the connection of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the eternal seal of God upon your life. Everyone has a seal, some more than one. The one who seals you is the one who owns you. Ultimately, everyone will end up in the home of their owners. That is why you need to be careful of the connections you make. Connections bring seals. If you make a connection with a witch doctor that comes in the guise of a bishop, he will put a negative seal upon you that will take you down. If, however, you make a connection with the Holy Ghost, he will take you up to the home of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ, your heavenly mansion where you will rendezvous with God in glory. He will perfect all that concerns you and make the resources of heaven open to you. He will give you the wisdom that the world cannot give. He will minister grace upon you, shield you, admonish and counsel you. He will supernaturally empower you to operate above only and never beneath. No one can reward better than God in the real sense of the word. Make the most of your connection with God.

Psa. 105:1-7

“Thank the Lord for all the glorious things he does; proclaim them to the nations. Sing his praises and tell everyone about his miracles. Glory in the Lord; O worshippers of God, rejoice. Search for him and for his strength, and keep on searching. Think of the mighty deeds he did for us the chosen ones – descendants of God’s servant Abraham, and of Jacob. Remember how he destroyed our enemies. He is the Lord our God. His goodness is seen everywhere throughout the land” (TLB).

It is good to look back and count your blessings from time to time, name them one by one and celebrate our God. This strengthens your connection. Whenever your connection to God is strengthened, the devil is put to shame because he can no longer unplug you or isolate you. Until he isolates, he cannot destroy. Until he isolates, he cannot kill. Make the right connection today and celebrate it. This is because what you celebrate is what gets consolidated, it is what gets magnified and what gets magnified is what you magnetize.

Pray –

  • Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you afresh with life and power and grant you grace to disconnect from every evil seal and wrong connection. (You cannot connect to the Holy Spirit while you are already wrongly connected. You must break the evil seal in order to connect to the seal of the Holy Spirit).
  • Ask God to break every contrary seal that has held you bound.
  • Lord, help me to remain connected to you all the days of my life. Anything that is capable of derailing your purpose for my destiny, Lord, destroy it, cut it off today in the name of Jesus.
  • I ask that you neutralize every trap that the enemy has set on my path in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!

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