The Bible says, he that covereth his sin shall not prosper. You don’t deodorize evil. Evil on its own intricately stinks; no amount of deodorant can make evil smell nice. People should know this and stop condoning things that debase, and ultimately destroy. Apostle Peter, a practical man, used very harsh words in this scripture.

Verse 3 says these teachers will in their greed tell you anything to get hold of your money. A lot of people went into ministry with wrong motive; motive to get and not motive to give. They go into ministry with the motive to accumulate and not motive to disseminate. They use worldly methods to do God’s work. If money is the bottom line for every business in Babylon, why should it be the bottom line in the Church? Are we redeemed with silver and gold?

1 Pet. 1:18 says we were not redeemed with perishable things. We were redeemed with the precious, sinless, immaculate blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son. May we not be entangled with rubbish in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. May we not have a wrong motive for coming to God in Jesus’ name.

Obviously, we are in the end times, the Bible has since left Genesis, the book of Acts of the Apostles and has now entered into the book of Revelation. Evil will eventually put on flesh; the spirit of the anti Christ will soon put on flesh but before then, Jesus would have raptured his Church. That is why every serious believer should not be busy chasing after money at this time, instead, chase God.


  • Lord, please help me. Grant that money will not be a snare in my life in the name of Jesus Christ. I will not worship money. I will not serve money. Money will serve me. Money will not be an issue in any area of my life. It will not be my banana peel.
  • Every trap that the enemy plans to set for me with money, Lord, let that trap be shattered and completely destroyed. I ask that you send your ministering angels on my destiny path to clear every banana peel in the mighty name of Jesus.
  • Lord, straighten up my walk with you. Grant that the work of my hands will bless you. Make my hands holy. Give me pure hands and a pure heart; a hand that is not soiled, a hand that is not defiled in the name of Jesus.
  • When you look down upon the work of my hands, Lord, may your face beam with smile in the name of Jesus.
  • In any way that I have gotten involved in crooked or shady deals, Lord, I am sorry. Today, I repent, forgive me, help me never again to get entangled with anything that you detest, in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Grant me grace never to get involved in any shady deal no matter how enticing. Grant me the grace to turn away from it in the name of Jesus. Let it be my desire to always do your righteous will in Jesus mighty name I pray.

Verse 9 “So also the Lord can rescue you and me from the temptations that surround us, and continue to punish the ungodly until the day of final judgment comes”.
In other words, the Lord can deliver us from temptations that surround us.


  • Lord, deliver me from all the temptations that surround me in the name of Jesus Christ. Deliver every member of my family from all the temptations that surround them in the name of Jesus. Deliver every member of Holy Ghost Fellowship International from all the temptation that surrounds them in the name of Jesus.
  • Help us to say no to every appearance of evil and to break away from the things that bind, hinder, fetter, and the things that the enemy wants to use to derail your purpose and disrobe us in Jesus mighty name we pray.


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