


11. Goodness and mercy of God will follow you as a result of the fresh oil.
Psa. 23:6
, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever”. Be careful of what or who is following you. Everyone is being followed by something. Some people are followed by demons. You are either being followed by angels or by demons. Someone said that goodness and mercy are angels. May the angels of goodness and mercy follow you in Jesus name. You have a spiritual scent that attracts either good or evil. Anointing will make you smell fine. Many times during deliverance sessions when Christians who are dedicated to the service of God come over, they discover that they are demonized to the extent that the demons in them even start speaking during prayers. Usually, after such deliverance sessions, they come to me and ask, how did I get so contaminated? I also wonder how they got so contaminated. Many times people wake up demons that are sleeping; some people even pay money to get contaminated especially women through attaching things to their body. Such things are bound to bring demons. So many people are careless when it comes to spiritual things. There is serious need for deliverance in this end time. It is only the presence of God that can insulate you from demonic attachments. Every wise person must break away from whatever is capable of opening the door for demons to enter. All they need is a foothold and before long they become a stronghold.


  • Father, help me. I do not want to open doors to things that I should shut out of my life. Help me to be pure. Help me to be complete in obedience to the leading and promptings of your spirit.
  • Insulate me from the evil that is out there. Instead of evil following me, let your goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life in Jesus’ name.

12. Divine habitation, the presence of God.
The blessings of the presence of God are immeasurable and boundless. When the presence of God is with you, you are guaranteed of several things. The greatest protection is the presence of God. Safety is not the absence of danger but the presence of God in the midst of it. “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me” (Psa. 23:4). We need to get into the dimension of dwelling; “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever” (Psa.23:6). We need to change our mentality from divine visitation mindedness to divine habitation mindedness. Walk in the constant awareness of the fact that the presence of God is with you; if you do, you will run away from sin. The reason why some people sin and yet feel comfortable about it is because they forget that God is always there when a sin is committed. Yes, your pastor may not be there, nor any member of your Church, but God is always present. There are places where you enter and your heavens will open. Suddenly, you will start seeing visions of heaven. There are places where you enter and immediately you do, the heavens will close. May you enter a place where your heavens will remain open in the mighty name of Jesus. May you never lose the consciousness of the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit all the days of your life in Jesus’ name. The only place where a person who has this revelation is free to commit sin is where God cannot see, if such a place exists.


  • Lord, open my eyes and grant me the grace to live the rest of my life abiding in you and walking in the revelation of your ever abiding presence. May I never lose consciousness of your ever abiding presence in Jesus’ name.


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