Every revolution is a product of a revelation. If you want to be a planet shaker, you must come from above. If you want to be an earthquaker, you must be supernaturally empowered. The people of God do not perish because of witchcraft attack. They do not perish because of the activities of the kingdom of darkness though they are all over the place. God’s people perish for lack of knowledge. It is possible to be in the midst of it all where it is happening and still miss God.

One thing that is common to everyone who misses God is that they end up asking the question – God, where are you? It is bad enough to ask God that question but it is even worse for God to call you by name and ask as he did in the case of Adam, “where art thou?” (Gen. 3:9b). Whenever God asks the question “where are you”, it only means that the person has been dislocated.

Pray –

  • Lord, please speak to me. I have learnt that every revolution is a product of a revelation, reveal to me things that will make me unstoppable in the world today in the name of Jesus.
  • Lord, I do not just want to pass through this world without an impact. Make my life impactful and help me to fulfil the purpose for which you have called me.
  • In this generation where there is so much confusion, help me to be steadfast. Help me to remain connected. Help me to be faithful. Help me not to be dislocated. Help me to walk with you in the name of Jesus.
  • Empower me by your spirit to be all you want me to be and accomplish all you want me to accomplish in the name of Jesus.
  • May I never miss your mark in the name of Jesus. May I never end up asking – “God, where are you?”
  • Grant me grace to be where you want me to be all the time doing what you want me to do. Thank you for hearing me.
  • Grant me grace, O God, to major on things that have eternal value in the mighty name of Jesus. I give you honour and praise in Jesus’ name.


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