holy ghost



4. Lifting the rod.
You need the rod; it is your symbol of authority. The rod is the word of God. There is the rod of the righteous and there is the rod of the wicked. In the final analysis, it is going to be the battle of rods. This country is the way it is today because the Church failed to manifest the authority given to her to checkmate nonsense, instead, the Church adopted a wrong strategy. The Bible says, the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous, lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity (Psa. 125:3). Every rod of the wicked rising against the purpose of God for your life shall be utterly destroyed in the mighty name of Jesus. In order to be effective, you need to know the authority that you have. Be an ardent, avid reader and a diligent applier of the word of God. “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” (Josh 1:8). A lot of people are succeeding to fail. May we never succeed to fail in the name of Jesus. You will succeed and succeed and your success will succeed. You will have comprehensive success in the mighty name of Jesus.

Pray –

  • Lord, position me for comprehensive success. Position my family for comprehensive success in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. May I succeed at home, abroad, and in everything I do. Help me, O God by your Spirit, anoint me for comprehensive success in all my undertakings in Jesus’ name.

Take note that Moses had to climb the hill while the battle was going on. If you really want to win in the battle of the field, you need to be a person of the mountain. Jesus was a person of the mountain; he even died on the mountain. From time to time, withdraw to seek the face of God, one on one with him, to receive the winning strategy through fasting and prayer. One of the winning strategies is to live a fasted life because fasting increases your spiritual sensitivity, sanitizes you, and keeps your flesh under so that your spirit man can be above only. You will receive winning strategy that will make all the battles cheap. Fasting helps you to tame your appetites. Subdue carnality and spirituality will manifest.

5. Collaborative Effort.
It took the collaborative efforts of four classes of people for God to step in and completely rout the Amalekites and for God to be declared Jehovah Nissi: –

  • Moses (the spiritual leader with the rod on top of the hill)
  • Aaron and Hur (the hand lifters)
  • Joshua (the military commander)
  • The foot soldiers

None of our Amalekites shall escape in the mighty name of Jesus.


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