• Lord, I want to be clean. I do not want to carry any dot of sin into the year ahead. Clean me up O God. Look at my spiritual garment, is there any defilement? Lord, please wipe it away.
  • The blood of your dear Son, Jesus Christ, cleanses us from all sins. I proclaim the cleansing ministry of the blood of Jesus Christ. I appropriate it right now from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet and I receive total cleansing from anything that binds, hinders, and fetters. Anything that makes me miss the mark, any transgression, iniquity, and impurity, please cleanse me with the precious blood of your dear Son, Jesus Christ.
  • I saturate every cell of my being in the precious blood of Jesus Christ. I saturate the garden of my heart with the precious blood of Jesus. Help me, O God, in the name Jesus Christ. Keep the snake far away from me. Do not allow me, O God, to engage in demonic communications and associations in the name of Jesus.
  • Help me, O God, to flee from every appearance of evil in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Let your glory shine through me and Lord, make me holy in deeds, in spirit and in action in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Grant me the grace, O God, to be pure, and perfect before you. Lord, make me holy because you are holy. I desire to be holy. I desire to live in holiness and righteousness. I desire to walk in your wisdom in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Do not allow me to walk in the wisdom of the world which is carnal, sensual and debasing. Grant me the grace to live above carnality, to eschew sin and to align with your purposive will for my destiny in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Help me O God to live for you in the name of Jesus.
  • Make me all you want me to be. Empower me, O God, to flee every appearance of evil in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you ancient of days in Jesus’ name I pray.
  • Whatever is capable of making you to fall, may God keep it away from you in the name of Jesus. Anything that can make you miss God’s purpose for your life, may God deliver you from it. Any evil contact, contract, agreement, may God keep away from you and deliver you in the name of Jesus Christ.


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