• Let the powerful blood of Jesus neutralize every enchantment of hell in the name of Jesus.
  • Let the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth wipe away every evil record against my life, family, business, and ministry in the name of Jesus.
  • Let the blood of Jesus revoke and reverse evil decisions ever taken against us in the name of Jesus.
  • Let the powerful blood of Jesus neutralize anything that the enemy has enchanted against the purpose of God for my family in Jesus’ name.
  • I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over my physical, spiritual, matrimonial environment. I plead the blood of Jesus over all that concerns me. I saturate my all with the blood of Jesus – my family, ministry, and investments I saturate with the blood of Jesus and declare total liberation by the power of the precious blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
  • The blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is availing for us. Through the blood of Jesus, I declare that we are cleansed, we are sanctified and justified.
  • By the precious blood of Jesus, we are redeemed from sin. We are redeemed from error. We are redeemed from the enemy. We are redeemed from sickness. We are redeemed from poverty, scarcity and lack. We are comprehensively redeemed by the power of the blood of Jesus.
  • We overcome every programme of hell and declare the glory of God. Through the greatness of the power of the almighty, we are free indeed because the blood of Jesus has made us free; we are free to reign, free to rule, free to overcome, free to be all that God wants us to be. Free to soar above limitations. Free in all ramifications in the name of Jesus.

There is a close relationship between the blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The life of the flesh is in the blood for it is the blood that maketh atonement for our soul (Lev. 17:11). So, when you release the blood you are referring to the very life of Christ. The blood of Jesus is so powerful because of the life of Christ. What is the life of Christ? It is the bread of life, the Holy Spirit. The blood of Jesus Christ is not an ordinary blood, it is the power of the precious Holy Spirit. It wasn’t a carnal blood, it wasn’t the blood of Joseph neither was it the blood of Mary but the power of the Holy Ghost. That is why whenever you plead the blood the Holy Spirit moves.

  • Saturate your life with the precious blood of Jesus.
  • Lord, let the blood of Jesus speak, let the blood avail for me comprehensively in the name of Jesus.
  • I plead the blood of Jesus into the womb of the future and declare that I walk in the light.
  • Every decision I make, guide me by your spirit O God. Holy Spirit, brood over and take over. Let power change hands to the power of God the Holy Spirit in every area of my life. Thank you blessed Lord. I appreciate you O God. I bless and magnify your name. Only you are worthy to receive all praise, all adoration and all thanksgiving be unto you forever and ever. Thank you ancient of days in Jesus’ name.
  • The blood of Christ is speaking loud and clear in every area of my life. The blood of Jesus is speaking better things in every area of my life; no power can pull me down. I am redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and I am more than a conqueror in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen!

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