God's favour


If you are genuinely connected to the fresh oil, no power can stop you. There must be a connection for there to be a flow. If you are genuinely connected, there will continue to be a flow and anywhere there is a flow, there will be deposits. No power can stop it. It is not about your qualification, it is about the grace, it is about the favour of God.

Has God favoured you? You are made. God can use somebody that you have never met before from any part of the world to favour you. That same God is at work. If you are looking for connection and you are not looking up, you are looking in the wrong direction. Anything God cannot give you is not good enough for you. God can even move the heart of your worst enemy to favour you. When God steps into your battle, no power can defeat you.

Favour flows from the benevolence of God. He is merciful. The paths of God are mercy and truth (Psalm 25:10). It is because God favoured man that he decided to send his Son, Jesus Christ, to die for fallen man, to lift fallen man to the point of becoming his own child, bought with the blood of Jesus Christ. We are highly favoured. He positioned us for sonship so that we can qualify for inheritance and say truly that the lines are fallen for us in pleasant places. We have a goodly heritage, we have a wonderful inheritance in Christ.

God rubs off his nature on us – that is the meaning of ‘anointed’. In the negative supernatural, especially in the wicked world where we live, occultists know how to make people stink. But if you are connected to the power that created the whole universe, the one that spoke the world into existence, the almighty, no occultist can mess you up.

Prophetic Declarations:
  • Heaven will smile at you and you will smell fine. Even the mere mention of your name will command favour, swing doors open unto you – doors of opportunity, doors of blessings, doors of divine elevation, doors of divine connections and doors of victories in the name of Jesus Christ. Your hand lifters will locate you.
  • I summon them from the east, west, north and south to come. Those who will add value to your life, I summon them to come right now in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Promotion list will not be complete until your name is included in it. The goodness and mercy of God shall follow you this year everywhere you go in the name of Jesus. You are irresistibly blessed. You are unstoppable and unbeatable because the God you are connected to is unbeatable. You will succeed because of him. You will triumph because of him in the name of Jesus.
  • God will give you plenty of reasons to celebrate this year, it shall not be long, it shall be soon. The process has begun in the name of Jesus. The power of God shall quicken it to happen in the mighty name of Jesus.
  • In your life, there shall be showers of blessings. No power either in flesh or out of it can stop your miracle because its time has come in Jesus’ name.
  • I see powerful connections – those who will add value to your life and electrify your world will locate you in the name of Jesus.


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