We have a conqueror’s anointing, as a matter of fact, we are more than conquerors. No power either in flesh or out of it will defeat you anymore in the mighty name of Jesus. This day, the Lord makes your head stronger than that the heads of your enemies put together. You will come out victorious in every battle in the mighty name of Jesus. Any demon that is unleashed against the purpose of God for your testimony will go down and standing on their ruins, you will lift up the banner of the Lord in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. Your head shall be lifted above your enemies in Jesus’ name. You must hold on to this. Don’t succumb to the lies of the devil.

I moved head on and went directly under the massive pear tree which was full of fruits. By the time I got there, I discovered that all the branches were occupied by black witchcraft birds. Not only were they sitting on the branches, some others were hovering all over the compound and making terrifying noise. It was as though all the witches in the environment were holding a meeting in our compound. There I was in their midst.

At that time, I didn’t even have enough scriptures inside of me but I knew quite a few dangerous Psalms. As I moved into the midst of them, I started confronting them both physically using my hands and spiritually speaking the word of God. Everything became a weapon. I scooped the soil, spoke to it and threw it on them. It continued that way and at a point, I needed reinforcement. Deuteronomy 32:30 implies that one shall chase a thousand, two ten thousand. There is power in synergy. May God surround us with people who will strengthen us in the mighty name of Jesus.

My brother, who was asleep when I left the room, suddenly opened the main door and walked majestically towards my direction. When I saw him, my faith was lifted. We held our hands together and prayed. Whenever the devil tries to pull you down, declare – I am lifted. I heard my brother say, ‘I ascend’ as he was ascending, I ascended with him. May we learn to ascend in the mighty name of Jesus. While holding hands, we made deep pronouncements and placed a curse on the tree commanding it to dry up to the roots. There is power in the word of God. Before that time, wherever I submitted my application letter for employment, I was always rejected.

After that encounter, I began to get positive responses to my application letters. I declare your open doors. Your head shall be lifted above your enemies regardless of their history. Is the Lord the strength of your life? Get ready.

Confess –
  • The Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid? I will never be afraid of any power, I will not be afraid of any principality. I will not be afraid of anything.
  • I am walking in dominion over principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this world. I have comprehensive dominion over darkness, sin, self, satan and over all the agents of darkness.
  • My head shall be lifted above my enemies round about me in Jesus’ name.
  • Anywhere they have placed a barrier or blockade against me, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and by the thunder of God’s power, I command that blockade, dissolve and disappear.
  • I command any satanic power placing any embargo over my destiny to perish from under these heavens and from this earth.
  • My head shall be lifted above my enemies. I ascend in Jesus’ name.


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