Malachi 3:1-3

There is a limit to the extent you can work with God if you have no encounter with the fire of His presence. Remember, it is the fire of His presence. The first thing is that it announces the presence of God is with you. The fire offers you a purifying service. The devil likes to affix himself to people like dust. Do not ever allow him dump his mess on you. This is why you find yourself eating in the dream from demonic caterers. They are agents of pollution, agents of contamination. Why should I eat what I did not want or order? This is the work of the enemy. That is how a sickness that never existed suddenly appears and doctors find a name. The antidote to any form of demonic contamination is the fire of the presence of God.

We need the fire of the presence of God to position ourselves for the decade. If you want to dazzle, fulfill the purpose of God in your life, be all that God wants you to be and be impactful this decade, you need to align yourself with God. The moon does not have the light of its own. All it needs to do is to align itself with the sun and it will reflect the light of the sun. So shall our lives reflect the light of God.

The bible says in Proverbs 25: 4 Take away the dross from the silver and their shall come the vessel for the finer”. Dross is accumulation of dust, it is accumulated filth. Take away dross that you might become a vessel of honour. I can tell you authoritatively that without the fire of His presence, one cannot be a vessel of honour. It is important that we get it because when the fire falls, it offers you a healing service. When the fire falls, you will be the first beneficiary. When the Lord is giving you fire, He is not just thinking about you alone. He is thinking about others. It is the fire that will flow from His throne, through you consuming every dross, radiating through you to touch lives, to heal sickness, to drive away demons, anywhere you appear demons will become uncomfortable because they cannot stand the fire of the presence of God in you. You will dazzle them. You know what fire does to silver? When you take away dross from the silver, the silver will shine. The light will now be properly reflected. So we are going to shine as a result of taking away the dross from the silver. We will declare His glory, we will manifest His presence more than ever before. The whole world will tremble.

Malachi 4:1-3. “Watch now,” the Lord Almighty declares, “the day of judgment is coming, burning like a furnace. The proud and wicked will be burned up like straw; like a tree, they will be consumed—roots and all. But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture. Then you will tread upon the wicked as ashes underfoot,” says the Lord Almighty.
Can you see what the fire is going to do to every evil deposit? It will not spare, it will consume, it will burn it off in the name of Jesus. We have seen it happen in this fellowship many times that the devil  has deposited things in people’s bodies and lumps  appear from no where. We place them on ‘dissolve and disappear’ assignment, we also curse the lumps and anoint them. What are we actually doing when we pour oil on fire? What happens is that fire intensifies. I tell you, by the special grace of God, God intervenes and miracles happen. The lumps disappear, never to appear again, burnt off from the root. God wants you to carry enough fire that will not spare any evil growth this year. Your body is supposed to be to be the temple of the Holy Spirit and not a spiritual dustbin.

Ask the Lord to baptize you with Holy Ghost and fire.


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