• O Lord, do not allow my enemies to go scot free in the name of Jesus. Those that want me down shall go down and stepping on top of their heads, I will fly the banner of the Lord. I will soar higher and higher. I am programmed to be above only. My head shall be lifted above my enemies. I reign in the midst of my foes in the mighty name of Jesus. O Lord, do not allow my enemies to go scot free; unleash your fist against them and give them a final blow in the mighty name of Jesus.
  • O Lord, save me. Protect your turtle dove from hawks. Save your beloved from the beast in the name of Jesus.
  • Lord, grant me your holy anger. I need it in the world today in the name of Jesus Christ. No witch is strong enough to touch me or any of my loved ones. Any witch that crosses my path shall be crushed henceforth in the name of Jesus Christ. Any contrary power that dares the power of God upon my life shall be disgraced, utterly disgraced, comprehensively annihilated never to rise again. They shall be ashes under my feet in the mighty name of Jesus.
  • Arise O God against our enemies; against the powers that want to bring us down, against the powers that want to mess up our testimonies. Lord, arise. Save me. Protect me. Protect your turtle dove from hawks, save your beloved people from the beast. Save our children from the beast. Insulate us O God from the antics of the antichrist, false prophets, luciferians and Satanists.
  • Arise in your fury O God, send your ministering angels to the nooks and crannies of this earth to overturn and overthrow the wicked in authority with great power in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Lord, restructure this world in a way that will promote righteousness. Let righteousness reign. Let men of principle become our principal men. Let your word be returned to schools again in the name of Jesus.
  • Furiously exterminate the powers that want to control the universe contrary to your purpose. Lord, have them in derision in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Let them be comprehensively annihilated that have ever lifted a finger against us. Protect and shield us by the power of the blood of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus.
  • I bring everything that concerns me and my family under the power and cover of the precious blood of Jesus. Through you, Lord, I shall do valiantly. In Christ, I am more than a conqueror in the name of Jesus.
  • I reign in the midst of my foes in Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen!

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